Millions of
Americans realized the dismal spiral our country was on the past four years.
What we experienced into the early hours of Wednesday morning was a loud
repudiation of the Leftist elites and their terrible and harmful ideas the past
4+ years.
years ago on Election Night, President-elect Barak Obama promised that America
was about to be fundamentally transformed. For much of the past two decades,
hard-working Americans grew tired and irritated at this “change.”
perhaps now the Godfather of the new radicals, was mentored by Communists in
the Saul Alinsky playbook. While his charm was smooth as silk, he initiated a
Leftist charge. Since then, steel workers, grocery clerks, accountants, school
teachers, homeschool moms, entrepreneurs and business owners from metropolitan
cities to small town America have been sold a bill of goods that didn’t
And with event
after society-shaking event, the common sense blue and white collar folks began
to realize that in some fashion there was a little man – or several of them –
standing behind a curtain. And though the Great and Powerful Oz screamed louder
and louder, “Pay no attention to that man,” our concentration slowly shifted from the narrative told to us – to what was actually happening.
And we’re tired of it. Weary of the illusion and over the narrative. And with the election of 2008 and subsequent years, the silent majority arose and began to speak out.
Tired of being told the United States is a fundamentally evil country. Tired of the 1619 Project, Critical Race Theory, and Black Lives Matter narrative that everything hinges on racism and slavery. Tired of hearing the lie that America is fundamentally racist and systemically corrupt. We’ve realized those movements are rooted in Communist-thinking and Christianity-opposing ideologues who want to undo both America and people of faith.
(Click here to see A Biblical Response to Critical Race Theory with Meeke Addison.)
Tired of identity politics. Obama pushed this agenda like no other President until
Biden. We’re over the idea that we should vote for someone just because of
their skin color, gender, religion, or other identity. Identity politics gave
way to the DEI tsunami, which in many ways has backfired. Kamala Harris’
campaign is a strong example of DEI gone wrong.
Tired of Leftism taking over liberalism – and the Democratic Party allowing it.
Tired of the
legacy media. What’s happened in recent years has exposed the man behind the
curtain. Last night’s election results proved that their ability to set the
narrative has been exposed and destroyed.
Tired of the
insane and immoral agenda. Leftism is not good nor godly. It is unwholesome. It
hates freedom, religion, and will destroy everything that is good. It destroys. We’re
appalled when some states want to allow abortion up to the ninth month – and allow
a doctor to kill a baby if it is aborted live.
Tired of the
government wanting more influence than the family. Incensed at the idea that if
a dad and mom don’t want their nine-year-old to “transition” to the opposite
sex (remember, there are only two) that the government could take the child
from the parents.
Tired of the
now idiocy of the Left and the Democratic Party. The same people who say, “Trust
the science,” refuse to acknowledge the science in how to define gender. They
have succumbed to feelings over facts. Recent years proved the Democratic
Leftists no longer have a mooring on reality.
Tired of this out-of-control "woke" culture that emasculates men.
Tired of the
trans-craze and men in women’s sports. We’re over being polite about allowing a
girl to be pummeled in a sport by a biological male, resulting in brain injury.
Tired of redefining everything. That is nothing more than deconstructionism – one of the main weapons of the Communist Left.
Tired of the attack on free speech.
Tired of apologizing for America, patriotism, and American exceptionalism. We believe in our flawed but great country, we place our faith in God, we stand for the flag and national anthem, we respect our elders.
Tired of being told that wanting our faith, values, and religion to influence the public square, government, and laws makes us radical “Christian nationalists.” In spite of modern attempts to rewrite our history, we know America was largely founded by Christians who expected the Bible's teachings to influence our nation. And until the 1950s it was accepted in society that America was a "Christian nation." We know that if America is not good, America ceases to be great. So we must vote our values.
Tired of the Left using fear to intimidate people who don't go along with their agenda.
Tired of excusing
and supporting criminal activity, like the looting and rioting of cities in 2020 and the tearing down of statues in Orwellian nature. We’re not fooled by bad border policies,
allowing criminals, drug cartels, and enemies of America to slip in and sow
seeds of destruction. We’re all for legal immigrants – let’s close the wall and
enforce legal immigration.
Tired of
irrational fiscal policies that hurt American people. Ready to be energy-independent,
realizing that energy costs drive up the cost of everything else.
Tired of
being told this is about party or partisanship. Trump and Republicans swept the
White House and Congress aided by the strong support of Hispanic, Jewish, black and
female voters – as well as former Democrats and some secularists. This is
about, as the RNC’s 2024 platform states, a return to common sense.
Tired of a
weakened military and world presence.
Tired of the
corruption in our government agencies like the CIA, FBI, and Department of
Justice. We’ve watched a weaponized government go after Donald Trump and people
who support him – while ignoring blatant criminal activity from Leftist
figureheads like the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens.
And tired of the insane accusations. Just days ago, Tim Walz warned people that if Trump was elected, he would set up concentration camps and do away with further elections. The Left thrives on deception. And their weapon of warfare is to libel their opponents. And we’re tired of it. We've been told that Trump is a Nazi, facist, dictator who will create a blood bath. We're tired of the lies, and we reject them.
Has Rejected Them
The pundits from CBS, ABC, and like-minded legacy media outlets who push identity politics are already claiming the reason Harris lost is because of race and gender. Don’t be fooled by their rhetoric. We voted on principle, policy, and party platforms. The majority rejected the dangerous policies and platform of the DNC. As Matt Walsh posted, “Last night was a total repudiation of leftism. A crushing defeat for the forces of moral insanity. America has rejected them utterly.”
In an election night that felt somewhat similar to 2016, we saw that the people have spoken. Americans voted their values.
The election
broke Godfather Obama from having a fourth term. The Daily Wire shared on Election Night that
Trump was the coroner after Obama wrecked the country. And the man from Chicago
– or wherever he came from – will no longer control the future of his party.
In my Bible
reading this morning I meditated on the account of Israel’s crisis when the
Assyrian king Sennacherib surrounded them (found in the books of 2 Kings and
Isaiah). Faced with the threat of extinction, King Hezekiah, Isaiah the
prophet, and the Jews had to ignore the threats and “fake news,” embrace truth,
cry out to the Lord, trust His Word, stand firm, and watch Him work. The Bible
says, “That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed
185,000 Assyrian soldiers. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next
morning, they found corpses everywhere. Then King Sennacherib of Assyria broke
camp and returned to his own land” (2 Kings 19:35-36).
God responds to millions of prayers at a critical time, steps in, and stops a
people from the brink of destruction.
Obama, and other radicals – you can keep your change.
Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here
Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.
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