"My heart is stirred by a noble theme; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." - Psalm 45:1
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Giving Out of a Full Cup - Dan Miller
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Democratic Party: Intolerance and Absolute Control
“The Constitution is written to limit the centralization and monopolization of power – that is, the Democrat Party’s present-day power grabs – and the Republican Party, while often anemic if not ignorantly contributory to the Democrat Party’s ambitions, is, nonetheless, an impediment by its mere existence. That said, there remain active efforts within the Republican Party and mostly elsewhere to challenge the Democrat Party’s growing tyranny. Clearly, power-sharing is not, and cannot be, part of the Democratic Party’s agenda. Frankly, like autocratic parties everywhere, the Democratic Party is intolerant of opposition and insists on absolute control.”
– 7 Times New York Times Bestseller Mark Levin, THE DEMOCRAT PARTY HATES AMERICA
eight-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, radio host,
and Fox News star returns to the page to reveal the radically dangerous
Democrat agenda that is upending American life.
In American Marxism, Mark Levin explained how Marxist ideology has
invaded our society and culture. In doing so, he exposed the institutions,
scholars, and activists leading the revolution. Now, he picks up where he left
off: to hold responsible the true malefactors steering our country down the
wrong path.
Insightful and hard-hitting as ever, Levin proves that since its establishment,
the Democrat Party has set out to rewrite history and destroy the foundation of
freedom in America. More than a political party, it is the entity through which
Marxism has installed its philosophy and its new revolution.
As in a Thomas Paine pamphlet or a clarion call from Paul Revere, Levin alerts
his fellow Americans to the destruction this country is facing, and rallies
them to defeat the threat in front of us—more looming than ever. He writes, 'Every legal, legitimate, and appropriate tool and method must be employed in
the short- and long- run to defeat the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party must
be resoundingly conquered in the next election and several elections
thereafter, or it will become extremely difficult to undo the damage it is
unleashing at breakneck pace.' ”
- from the Amazon review
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
"Christian Nationalism," Evangelicals, and the Left
"Christian Nationalism" is the new term the Left has created to try to make people who vote based on biblical convictions, a Judeo-Christian worldview, and traditional values look weird. Here are a collection of articles and videos about this new propaganda tactic. Access the videos here.
“What I said
was, people will throw that term against any conservative Christian who
believes in the importance of nation and conservative political convictions,
and will claim you’re a Christian nationalist if you believe Christianity
should influence the nation. I said I’m not going to run from that.
But many in
the media, and certainly people on the left, they try to discredit Christian
influence by saying it’s the radical right. It’s the reactionary right. It’s
the Christian right. The latest thing is to say it’s Christian nationalism.
Well, unapologetically, I believe in the importance of nation. Our
constitutional order is around a nation.”
Mohler in Albert
Mohler on Evangelicals and Christian Nationalism at The New York Times via
Denny Burk
“The 70-year
push to eliminate every vestige of religious observance from our public life is
precisely the opposite of what the nation needs. We need more civil religion,
not less. We need open acknowledgment of the religious heritage and the
religious faith that bind Americans one to another.
The campaign
to erase America’s religion from the public square is just class warfare by
other means: the elite versus the common man, the atheistic monied class versus
America’s working people. And it’s not really about eliminating religion,
either: It’s about replacing one religion with another.
Every nation
observes a civil religion. For every nation is a spiritual unity. The Left
wants religion: the religion of the Pride flag. We want the religion of the
Senator Josh
Hawley at ‘Christian
Nationalism Founded American Democracy’: Read Sen. Josh Hawley’s Full Remarks
at NatCon at the Daily Signal
“As numerous
critics have already pointed out, ‘Christian nationalism’ sounds identical to
the case for American liberty offered in the Declaration of Independence.
Then again,
the idea that man has inalienable, universal rights goes back to ancient
Greece, at least. The entire American project is contingent on accepting the
notion that the state can’t give or take our God-given freedoms. . . .
It’s also
true that the ‘Christian nationalism’ scare is a ginned-up, partisan effort to
spook non-Christian voters. And, clearly, to some secular Americans, the idea
that a non-‘earthly authority’ can bestow rights on humans sounds nuts.”
Harsanyi, an atheist, in “If
This Is ‘Christian Nationalism,’ Sign Me Up!” at The Daily Signal.
“You see,
Christian nationalism isn’t the real threat to the free exercise of religion in
America today. The real threat is the ideology of the sexual revolution imposed
on the people by government force, and Przybyla can’t stand the idea of that
establishment being challenged. . . .
The Left
isn’t objecting to the Right’s imposing its worldview on Americans by
force—it’s objecting to the Right’s finally getting a say on issues springing
from the sexual revolution. We’re not witnessing the rise of Christian
nationalism, but the weakening of an anti-Christian establishment. . . .
nationalism’ is the modern equivalent of Southern Democrats’ demonizing
Lincoln, kicking and screaming as they lose the ability to foist their beliefs
on the rest of the country. If history is any guide, this trend does not bode
well for the Left—or America’s civil tranquility.”
Tyler O’Neil
in What
Is the ‘Christian Nationalism’ Fearmongering Really About? at The
Daily Signal
See The Founding Fathers on Jesus, Christianity and the Bible at Wallbuilders
Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here
Picture used by permission from Pixabay
Writing Awards - 2024 - Rhett Wilson, Sr.
Encouraging news came last week in the form of notifications of the following awards:
Congratulations! Your entry, Cries from a Cold Bathroom Floor, was awarded Honorable Mention in the Inspirational/Spiritual category of the 93rd Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition.And your
entry, God, Roses, and Jiffy Lube, was awarded Honorable Mention in
the Inspirational/Spiritual category of the 93rd Annual
Writer’s Digest Writing Competition.
There were 3,571 submissions in this year’s competition, spanning 44 countries!
You’ve also won a bronze medal in the Living Now Book Awards in the family/parenting category for The 7 Ps of Prayer.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Hope for Elon Musk and Other ‘Cultural Christians’
At least part of this secular buyer’s remorse is the rise of “woke” ideology, which bodes ill for a post-Christian society. Sometime in the late 2010s, the so-called “new atheism,” a movement that purported to be all about reason and science, was swallowed up by progressive identity politics. Steadily, science and reason were replaced by moralizing witch-hunts, to the point that atheists like Dawkins now find themselves pushing back against pseudoscience on sex and gender.
Also, there
is a growing realization, Holland’s
books are a good example, that Western ideas of human rights,
political equality, and science and art are products of Christian theology.
They do not occur in most civilizations, and there is no reason to expect that
they will endure in the West if Christianity fades.
It’s good
that Musk, Peterson, Dawkins, Holland, and others are recognizing the debt owed
to the religion of Jesus. Better to live alongside unbelievers who praise the
faith than those who call it a “dangerous delusion.” However, we ought
not delude ourselves. Christian influence in the modern world
is the result of a lot of people who, for hundreds of years, really
believed in Jesus.
Read the entire article by Stonestreet and Morris here at Breakpoint.
Picture used courtesy of Pixabay
Monday, August 5, 2024
Interview with Lee Ann Mancini - Praying for Your Family
Listen to the podcast here. Listen to the podcast here.
Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here
Friday, August 2, 2024
You Don’t Have to Be Christian to Loathe the Opening of the Paris Olympics
"I am a Jew, not a Christian. Yet I found loathsome the mockery of the Last Supper — one of the holiest scenes in the New Testament — during the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
In fact, it is actually troubling to constantly read the words, 'Many Christians are offended' — as if only Christians are offended by France’s and the International Olympic Committee’s mockery of Jesus’ Last Supper scene.
You don’t
have to be a Christian to understand that Christianity — more specifically,
Judeo-Christian values and the Bible — made Western civilization. Without
Christianity and the Bible, there would be no West. That is why contempt for
Christianity and the Bible is synonymous with mockery for the West. The current
civil war within Western civilization is a war between the Left and the Bible.
It is
crucial to note that the Left, whether in America or Europe, never mocks Islam.
One would think that with virtually all religious violence in the world
emanating from that religion, the Left would concentrate its antireligious fire
against Islam, or at least fundamentalist Islam.
One reason is that leftists fear Muslims. If you mock Islam, you will have to spend your life in hiding or risk being beheaded. On the other hand, the Left has no fear of Christians. No matter how much the Left mocks and undermines Christianity, the Left assumes that not one of the world’s two and half billion Christians will hurt them. And the Catholic pope will not only not issue a fatwa against you, he won’t even speak out against you. Because he, too, is a man of the Left."
Read the entire by Dennis Prager article here.
Picture used courtesy of Pixabay
Thursday, August 1, 2024
A Great Convention — With One Big Mistake
"The reason Biden did so much damage to America was not because he is Joe Biden but because he is a Democrat. And the Democratic Party has been taken over by the Left, which, unlike traditional liberalism, is destroying all that is good and special about our country.
It is
completely irrelevant what Democrat runs for president — or governor or senator
or representative. However nice they may personally be, as far as policies and
values are concerned, they are all virtually identical.
destructive, dangerous Democratic Party has to go.’ That should be — and should
have been for decades — the message of every Republican candidate for every
office in the land."
Read the entire article by Dennis
Prager in A Great Convention — With One Big