Monday, October 28, 2013

A Crisis of Parenting

Focus on the Family has released the results of a new study looking at how many young people born between 1980 and 2000 are actually leaving the church.  For several years there has been a lot of talk with statistics thrown around about how few young people who grow up in church actually stay serious Christians after leaving high school. 

The new study offers some encouragement and hope!  And it actually shows what the church should have known all along - children who grow up in homes where faith is seriously, routinely, and vibrantly - though not perfectly - practiced are very likely to become serious Christian as adults.    And the reverse is true - children who are taken to church by their parents but who do not see those same parents engaged in a habitual, loving, and obedient relationship with God day in and day out are very likely to be church and faith dropouts. 

As we have started a church the past 2 1/2 years, one thing we have emphasized routinely is that the church can only reinforce what children should be receiving at home.  The primary place for discipleship, according to the Scriptures, is the home.

"This is not a crisis of faith, per se, but of parenting," the Focus on the Family study noted.

You can read a summary of the study, Millennial Faith Participation and Retention, here from Focus on the Family.  Also, the website allows you to read the entire report.

Also, Baptist Press released a good article today summarizing the report. . . .

"The idea that young adults are abandoning their faith in droves may be widely accepted but isn't fully accurate. So says a Focus on the Family study that casts light on trends among young adults that may contradict doomsday predictions for the Christian faith.

The study, titled "Millennial Faith Participation and Retention," tracked the religious trends of Millennials (usually those born between 1980 and 2000) and found that only a fraction are leaving their childhood faith -- usually because they may not have had much of one to begin with.

The study utilizes data from the Pew research sources and the National Science Foundation's annual General Social Survey."

Read the entire article, "Young adults who abandon faith may have 'lukewarm' upbringing," by John Evans here.

Dare to Ask

Have you ever made a mistake in life?  Forgot or failed to seek the Lord and use wisdom and discernment before plunging into a decision you later regretted?  Haven't we all?

The following is an excellent word of encouragement by Ginger Garrett for us to dare and ask God to redeem our failures.  I love it when an author shows me a gold nugget of truth before which I have never seen in an old familiar Bible story.  Reading Garrett's article was for me one of those "ah-ha" moments. . . .

"A friend of mine suffered serious burns on her arm during an accident. The pain was excruciating. She broke out in a sweat, her vision blurred, and she could think of nothing but getting immediate help. God gave the human body a pain response for just those moments. Without it, we would not seek attention for the wound. But there’s one pain that many of us prefer to hide, and it comes from the wound of failure. Like Adam and Eve, when we’ve sinned or blundered in some important way, we choose to hide. We don’t seek out the healing attention of our Great Physician.

The Old Testament hero Joshua would challenge us to rethink that decision. You may know him best by the miracle he was granted. During a raging battle, he asked the Lord to hold back the sun so the fighting could continue. Scripture says, “So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped . . . There was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel” (Josh. 10:13-14).

This was a miracle, but unless we understand the context it occurred in, we miss the greater gift. You see, Joshua and his men never should have been in that battle. Earlier, God had commanded them to refuse all covenants of peace with nearby nations, including the Gibeonites. But the Gibeonites were afraid of the Israelites and desperate for a pact. So they decided to try a trick."

Read the entire article here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Blackaby - after his father was found

The following a great testimony by Richard Blackaby recalling the events of his father's disappearance and homecoming last month and the lessons they learned of God in the process. 

 "As you may be aware, the last two weeks have been a whirlwind in the Blackaby family. It began on Thursday September 19th. My mother was getting her nails done in preparation for a trip to Maui where my father and son Mike and I were scheduled to speak. Mom was almost finished her appointment and called my father at home to pick her up. He never arrived. She finally caught a ride home. Dad was nowhere to be found. She assumed he had gone to get her and arrived late. He’d be home soon she thought. He wasn’t.

At 7 p.m., my mother called me and my brother Mel to alert us that dad was missing. His cell phone was sitting on the dining room table. He was unreachable. My mother contacted the police who filed a missing person report. The officer explained that a teenaged, frequent run away had flown the coup once again and was considered a higher priority than our 78-year-old father who had appeared to be doing fine the last time someone spoke with him.

A vigil commenced. We waited at the house, vainly hoping every time we saw headlights shimmering in the window that it was dad, finally making his way home. It never was. At 1:30 a.m. we collapsed into beds to try and get some rest. No one slept. The next morning, there still was not a trace. My father had simply disappeared. To make matters worse, dad is a type 2 diabetic and he did not have his insulin with him. His blood sugar would be skyrocketing. As far as we knew, he was somewhere in the huge city of Atlanta, driving along its freeways at night, with elevated blood sugar levels, unable to navigate his way home."

Read the entire article here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Being a Memorable Leader

Read this tremendous article where Chuck Lawless shares about his alcoholic father coming to Christ late in life - and exhorts leaders to make positive memories with their families. . . .

I don’t often write extensively about my story, but it seems right to do so this week. One year ago, my father passed away at age 73. Frankly, I could not have written this blog five years ago, before he became a Christian. Now, though, I can write these words while celebrating the last few years of his life—a life dramatically changed by the transforming power of the gospel.

You see, my first memory is being a frightened three-year old as my father destroyed our home in a fit of anger. Now almost fifty years later, I remember that event as if it happened yesterday. I can still show you where the lamp is broken, the picture frames are knocked from the mantle, the chairs are overturned, and the door window is shattered. I also remember where my sister and I hid that day until our mom arrived home. I hated my father that day.

Alcohol was a factor that time, but my father’s anger remained long after he gave up drinking. Many are my memories of his losing control, hollering loudly, throwing something, and then quickly moving beyond the event as if nothing had ever happened. It was strange, actually, how rapidly his rage would erupt and then disappear. For years even as a pastor, I struggled with loving my father as I knew I should.

Read the entire article by Chuck Lawless here.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Own Anne of Green Gables!

How Do I Respond?

Wayne Barber, in his workbook Life Principles from the Kings of the Old Testament, asks the question, "How do you respond when God confronts you with your own sin?"

I avoid thinking about it.

I get angry with the messenger.

I avoid God, church, godly friends, and the Bible.

It breaks my heart, and I turn to God in repentance.

I’m upset with myself and determine to try harder.

I compare myself with others and decide I’m not that bad.
How we consistently respond to sin is one of the best indicators of our spiritual growth.  It is evidence of God’s work in our lives and our response to Him.  The temptation to avoid truly dealing with sin can be a subtle snare.  Sin always has consequences, but it seems that the greatest consequences are for the failure to repent when we are directly confronted by the Lord with our sin.  -   Wayne Barber, Kings of the Old Testament


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blog Address Change

On October 21, this blog will change addresses!  Faith, Family, and Friends will then be located at

Friday, October 18, 2013

Ever Feel Like a Comma?

I closed the lid to my laptop, putting it to sleep for the night. Sleep is what I needed, too, but I doubted I would get much.

I pushed my chair away from the desk at the head of my bed, turned off the desk lamp, and crawled under the covers. I was tired, tired of trying to figure out where I fit in this world of writing and editing and marketing. What was my purpose? Did anyone care what I had to say? Why on earth had I spent the last two hours struggling with rules governing comma placement?

I wasn’t the only writer who struggled with the issue, but knowing that didn’t help. How many critique sessions had I participated in where writers struggled with where commas fit and when they were better left out?

Read the rest of Ever Feel Like a Comma? by Bonnie Rose Hudson at the My Writers Conferences website.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Remember to Show Appreciation to Your Pastor(s) this Month!

Lifeway offers some excellent Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month as well as a good reflection on The Importance of Honoring Your Minister.

"Clergy Appreciation Month is a special time that congregations set aside each year to honor their pastors and pastoral families for the hard work, sacrificial dedication and multiple blessings provided by these special people. It is typically scheduled in October, but can be held at any time that is convenient for the church and the community. It is also important to remember that appreciation, affirmation and prayer support of our spiritual leaders is appropriate throughout the entire year.

The nature of the service provided by pastors and their families is unique. God has entrusted to them one of the most precious of assignments — the spiritual well-being of His flock. When a pastor becomes ineffective, the very souls of his or her parishioners are endangered. When eternity is in the balance, we should all be concerned.

Pastors and their families live under incredible pressures. Their lives are played out in a fishbowl, with the entire congregation and community watching their every move. They are expected to have ideal families, to be perfect people, to always be available, to never be down and to have all the answers we need to keep our own lives stable and moving forward. Those are unrealistic expectations to place on anyone, yet most of us are disappointed when a pastor becomes overwhelmed, seems depressed, lets us down or completely burns out."

Read the entire article at Focus on the Family's Thriving Pastor site under Clergy Appreciation.

Focus on the Family offers a "Guide to Clergy Appreciation Month" on their Thriving Pastor website.

20 Exhortations to Spiritual Leaders

1. People do not like to follow; you have to show them why doing so is a good idea.
A pastor wrote, “You said preachers should be leaders. But what if the congregation does not want you to lead? What if they do not respond?” I answered, “Then you have a bigger job of leadership to do. The people have to be taught.  Lead them to want to do something for the Lord.”

2. You start pastoring small churches in difficult locations for good reason. It is good to bear the yoke in your youth.  (That’s Lamentations 3:27).
When I announced to the family God had called me into the ministry–I was 21 and a senior in college–my coal-miner dad said, “Well, that’s fine. But son, start with smaller churches so you can learn how to do it before moving to larger ones.”  I type that and smile, “As though we had a choice about it, Pop.”  That’s how life works.  Faithful in small things, trusted with the larger (Luke 16:10).

3. If you are in the ministry as a career, get out now.
After 2006′s Hurricane Katrina brought so much destruction to our part of the world, a young pastor said to me, “I worry about what this setback will do to my career.”  (Yep. He actually said that.)  I said, “In the first place, as a minister of the gospel, you don’t have a career. You have a calling.  And secondly, put your eyes on the Lord Jesus and He will take care of these matters.”

Continue reading the rest of Joe McKeever's advice in 20 Things Many Pastors Do Not Get and Should.  His advice is very good for anyone who loves a pastor - or anyone in a position of spiritual leadership and influence.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog Address Change

Beginning September 15, the address for this blog will change.  Faith, Family, and Friends will change addresses.  The old address is   The new address will be 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Worthy of Double Honor

October is set aside by some people as Pastor Appreciation Month.  But does the Bible teach us to honor our pastors? 

The apostle Paul said in one of his pastoral letters,  Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.   For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.” (1 Timothy 5:17-18)

John MacArthur gives excellent explanation and exposition of this text in his sermon Restoring Biblical Eldership.

"He's going to discuss four things...honoring elders, protecting elders, rebuking elders, and selecting elders. And these four things when properly understood and properly implemented will restore to the church a biblical eldership, a very very vital vital portion of Scripture. I wish we could take it, as I said, in the whole, but we must take it as it comes in part and fully understand it because of its tremendous implications.

Number one, the first thing on Paul's mind in verses 17 and 18 is the matter of honoring elders...the matter of honoring elders. And I want to say at this juncture, please, a bit of a disclaimer. I feel a little bit awkward up here telling you that you need to honor elders of which I am one. Obviously I could be accused of a conflict of interests and I could also be accused of having a self-serving motive and I could frankly be accused of trying to get myself a raise because I am going to talk about paying the preacher in a little while. So I want to put in an immediate disclaimer on any of those things. I'm trying to teach you the Word of God. I am not seeking more of anything. I don't want to be elevated in my position. I don't want anybody to buy me a robe or a backward collar or a special hat. I don't want anybody to give me a raise, if they do I'll turn it down. I'm not seeking any of that except to teach the Word of God for all of our instruction and edification that we might better be able to honor those godly pastor/elders that the Lord has put in our life. That is my whole purpose and my heart rests at ease before the Lord because He and I have gone over the matter of my motives several times this morning and if you'll accept that I have worked it out with Him, then you can handle me. All right?

First of all, then, honoring elders. Now I want you to know what he says in verse 17, it's very simple. "Let the elders that rule excellently be considered worthy of double honor, specially the ones who work hard in preaching and teaching." That's a rather literal translation. The key word here is the word "honor." You might just sort of mark that in your mind, or in your text. That's what he's really saying. This verse calls for honor to be given to pastor/elders in the church. Those who serve the church, leading the church, as it were, fathering the church by way of example and leadership, feeding and teaching in the church are to be given honor.

This is not a new concept in the Scripture. It has appeared in other places. A couple of books earlier in the New Testament Canon we read in 1 Thessalonians 5:12, "We beseech you, brethren, to know them who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you." That would be your pastors, your elders. "And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake." Those who are over you in the Lord who minister among you, you should know them, you should love them, you should esteem them for the work which they render. In Hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 it says, "Those who have the rule over you, who have spoken to you the Word of God, you follow their faith." And then in verse 17 it says, "Obey them, submit yourselves to them for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that's unprofitable for you." Love them, esteem them, know them, remember their lives, follow their pattern, obey them, submit to them and do it all with joy so that they may have joy. If they don't, then their ministry will be unprofitable for you.

So the New Testament has enjoined us on several occasions to give proper honor and proper respect to those that are over us in the Lord. And there are other passages with which we will intersect in our discussion this morning, also.

Now I want to just remind you that the term "elder" is a general term referring to those in leadership in the church. They can be called shepherd, pastor, same word. They can be called overseer, as in chapter 3 verse 1, they are referred to, or elder. The term pastor refers primarily to the shepherding function; the term overseer to the authority and the leadership responsibility; and the term elder has to do with their role in maturity as a father or as the senior member of the congregation, senior members I should say since there are many. There's no such thing, by the way, as a senior pastor. There's no such thing as a senior pastor and his staff. There is simply a plurality of godly elders and in that shared leadership there may be varying responsibilities but there's no hierarchy or pecking order taught in the New Testament. So the pastor, overseer, elder as we know is the same person, one in the same. One emphasizes the feeding responsibility, one emphasizes the leading responsibility, one emphasizes the maturity of his position in leadership.

Now, we assume that these elders who are to receive elders are qualified. We don't have to go through that. We're basing that on chapter 3. If an elder is tested against the principles of chapter 3 and is qualified and therefore continues to be an elder, he is to be honored. He is a man, obviously, based upon his qualifications who is blameless, who is a one-woman man, who is temperate, who has his priorities in order, who is good in his behavior, who is committed to the love of strangers, who is skilled in teaching, not given to wine, not a violent man, he's patient, he's not a striker or fighter, he's not covetous, he rules well his own house, has his children in subjection with seriousness, he's not a novice. He has a good reputation among outsiders. It's that kind of man who qualifying to be an elder is worthy of honor. So we're assuming then elder here, or elders, as it's always in the plural except when Peter refers to himself as an elder and when John twice refers to himself as an elder, every other time it's a plurality because the assumption is the church will be led by a plurality of godly elders.

So we see then here that when it says, "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor," it means elders who are qualified. If a man is qualified to be an elder, he is qualified then to receive honor. We could say then generally that underlying this verse is the idea that elders are worthy of honor, okay? Elders are worthy of honor.

Now what do we mean by honor? Well the word is time, basically it means respect or regard. It's so used in chapter 6 verse 1, "But as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor." That doesn't mean a servant is supposed to pay his master, it means he's supposed to give him respect. So the word timecan relate to respect or regard. But also it can relate to remuneration, that is money. Back in chapter 5 we used it that way in verse 3 as Paul had that in mind, "Honor widows that are really widows." And what we saw there inherent in the word honor is the idea of financial support. It includes, along with respect and high regard, the idea of remuneration, salary, whatever. In fact, in our English language we have a word that tells us that, it's the word honorarium. Honorarium is a form of the word honor which relates to giving someone money. When I go out and speak sometimes people will give me an honorarium. When I fill out my Income Tax every year I put down a category called "honoraria," which has to do with people who showed me a certain amount of regard in a financial way. And so the word meaning that originally has come down in the English form to mean that even today in some regard.

So when we read about honoring these elders, we are talking not only about respect, but also talking about remuneration. In fact, the word time is translated in several places in the New Testament by the word price. So it is not a word disassociated from money. You will find it so translated, for example, in Matthew 27:6 and 9, Acts 4:34, 1 Corinthians 6:20. So what Paul is saying is give honor but let that honor have within it remuneration, if need by.

By the way, honor in the Old Testament, I just thought of that, also contains that same idea. For example, in Proverbs 3:9 it says, "Honor the Lord with your substance." What does that mean? That means honor the Lord with your respect and your regard as demonstrated by giving Him your money. And then it further says, "With the firstfruits of all your increase." So there honor carries the idea of giving money to God in an offering. Also in verse 31 of Proverbs 14 it says, "The one who honors the poor by having mercy on him," it refers to one honoring the poor through mercy that has the idea of giving them something to supply their needs.

So, Paul here is saying then that you are to make sure that one who is over you in the Lord, who feeds you and leads you, is honored. An elder is to receive honor, that is respect and remuneration as fitting and necessary. That forms a true estimate of his worth in a tangible way.

You say, "If Paul meant that why didn't he just say money?" Well, because money is such a crass expression he would rather deal with the motive behind the money than just deal with the money. How much nicer is it to say, "Here's your money, fella?" You wouldn't appreciate that. If someone could say to you, "We want to honor you with this gift." There's a big difference in that expression. And Paul was want to do that almost on every occasion. In fact, you're hard pressed to ever find Paul actually talk about money.

Let me give you just a little insight into that. In writing to the Romans and the Corinthians, he referred to money on one occasion as service. In writing to the Corinthians, the Galatians and the Philippians, he referred to money as fellowship. He referred to it again to the Corinthians as grace. In 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9 he called it liberality. In 2 Corinthians 8:20 he called it bounty. In 2 Corinthians 9:5 he called it blessing. In 2 Corinthians 9:8 he called it a good work. In Galatians 6:6 he called money good things. In Philippians 4 he called it a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice. In 2 Corinthians 9:10 he called it a seed, in the same verse he called it a harvest of your righteousness. In Philippians 4:17 he called it a gift, and here he calls it honor.

In other words, rather than dealing with the crass nature of the money itself, he wants the money to convey a heart attitude, a motive, a sense of love and intimacy and spiritual significance. So he puts it in terms other than just the crassness of the terminology of money itself.

So what he is saying here is to honor. And he's really dealing with the motive which will result in remuneration. So the bottom line here is that an elder is to be cared for, he is to be honored in terms of respect and he is to be honored in terms of remuneration. Every elder is to be so honored, every elder is to be so respected. That's implied in this verse. Now some elders may have greater needs than others, those needs are to be met. Some pastors may earn their own living. There are pastors who do that. There are pastor/elders in this church who choose by God's direction to subsidize themselves, they work outside. They do not need to be paid by the church but they are to be honored by the church. If they are called by God to give their whole life to the service of Christ, then they are to be remunerated as well. A man may make a choice in that regard.

Such a choice, I believe, is expressed in several places in the New Testament. But look back to 1 Corinthians chapter 9 for just a moment, to what is a very helpful insight here. The church has the responsibility to honor all who are elders. Somebody might say, "Well, does that mean we have to pay all the elders at Grace? Should all the elders who are pastoring our church quit their jobs and be paid by the church?" Not necessarily. The question of subsidy has nothing to do with whether you're a pastor or an elder. There are many pastors of small churches around this country and around the world who are subsidized by their own employment and they carry on the ministry beyond that. There are some who are subsidized through their ministry. That's not the issue.

Let me show you. Chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians, Paul says, "Am I not an Apostle?" He has some need to establish the right to support here and that's what he's attempting to do. "Am I not an Apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord and are not you my work in the Lord? And if I be not an Apostle to others, yea doubtless I am to you for the seal of my apostleship are you in the Lord." In other words, is there any doubt in your mind that I'm an Apostle? My message, my usefulness, my having seen the risen know because of those things and the seal of my apostleship the fact that you were converted to Christ that I am an Apostle. "My answer to them that do examine me in this is, Have we no right to eat and drink?" In other words, if I'm an Apostle, don't I have a right to food and drink? "Don't I have a right to lead about a Christian sister as a wife, as well as the other Apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas or Peter?" Don't I have a right to eat? Don't I have a right to be married? Don't I have a right to have a family? "Or I only and Barnabas, have we no right to forebear working? Don't we have a right to give ourselves to ministry and be supported by that ministry and not have to work?"

"Don't I have a right to stop making tents, or stop doing leather work?" As was his trade. After all, verse 7, he says, "Who goes to war at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and eats not its fruit? Who feeds a flock and eats not the milk of the flock?" I mean, there are some things that have in them built in remuneration. You don't go to the war and try to hold a job on the side. You don't raise a crop and not eat the results. You don't have a herd and not enjoy the milk. "Say I these things as a man," these are just human things, "but doesn't the law of God say the same? Doesn't it say in the law of God, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain? Does God take care for oxen?" If God says in Deuteronomy 25 verse 4 you're supposed to let the ox that treads the grain eat, don't you think He cares about the one who provides your spiritual food as the ox provides your physical food? And isn't a man more valuable than an ox? And isn't a preacher more valuable than anyone?
If we have sown, he says in verse 11, verse 10 rather, or saith he it all together for our sakes, for our sakes, no doubt, that it is written that he that plows should plow in hope, and he that threshes in hope should be a partaker of his hope. You work and in your work is built in the hope of your remuneration. "If we have sown to you spiritual things, is it such a big deal if we reap your carnal things?" In other words, if we give you the things of God, is it wrong for us to have back the things of this world so that we might live? "If others be partakers of this right over you, are not we rather who preach to you the Word of God (implied)? Nevertheless we have not used this right." How about that. Twelve verses to have established the right to be paid and then he says, "But we don't want it." He says we have a right to it and I want to lay that down, but I choose not to take it so we don't hinder the gospel of Christ. There was some exigencies in Corinth, there were some reasons why he didn't want to be chargeable to them. He felt it would be better for the ministry so he said we have a right to it, and he establishes the right of every preacher and teacher in the future, every pastor and elder, every apostle and prophet in the future to be supported. But here he defers from that because, he says, we don't want to hinder, and there were some reasons why in his mind that would be a hindrance so he cared for his own living. And as he says in 2 Corinthians chapter 11, "He robbed other churches." In other words, he took money from other churches to fund himself to minister to the Corinthians because he didn't want to be chargeable to them. If you know anything about their church, you might understand that. They were a tough bunch to work with and he didn't need anything that might cause more criticism of his ministry. He was being very harsh with them, as it was, he didn't want them accusing him of a money motive.

But verse 13 he picks up the same thought, "Do you not know that they who minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? They who wait on the altar are partakers with the altar? Priests function in their priesthood and are supported by that function itself. Even so....and here's the climax...has the Lord ordained that they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel." That does not mean, as you hear so often, if you preach it you ought to live it, that means if you preach it you ought to be supported in your preaching of it. You ought to be able to earn your living in your preaching.

So, here Paul affirms the idea that those who minister are to be supported in that ministry. However, he says, if you choose, as I choose-implied, that you can defer from that support for whatever reason you might have. For example, in writing to 1 Thessalonians, writing to the Thessalonians in the first letter he says, verse 9 of chapter 2, "You remember, brethren, our labor and travail, laboring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God." We didn't want to be chargeable so we worked night and day. He had to work his ministry all day, and he had to earn his living all night, but he did that because he chose to do it to make the gospel more palatable to them.

So we can safely say then that while the text of 1 Timothy says that the one who is an elder is to be honored, and that implies both respect and remuneration, there may be those circumstances when by God's design and the prompting of the Spirit and the will of God there is a pastor/elder who chooses to earn his own living and that by God's design certainly has a place in the plan. Should the time ever come when he feels that he would desire to pour himself whole-heartedly, totally and consume his life in the ministry, the church then should take over that remuneration. But as long as he feels it is the direction of God for him to be in employment where he is, the church has no obligation. The point here is we are to honor and give respect and remuneration where remuneration is due and where it is necessitated.

Now let's go back to 1 Timothy chapter 5 and see if we can't follow a little bit further through this thought. And I've just laid really the sort of the implicit underlying truth that elders are to be honored. When a man is an elder, just because he's an elder or a pastor, same thing, he is due respect and whatever remuneration is fitting to supply his needs and expedite his level of service just because he is a pastor/elder. Now that is the underlying point, now mark this, but that is not Paul's point here. That just sort of lies beneath the surface. What Paul is doing here is contrasting, or really comparing that with this, "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, specially the ones who work hard in preaching and teaching." The underlying assumption is that all pastors are to be honored, but Paul's talking about the kind that are worthy of double honor, by contrast to the general category of pastors who are to be honored on a single honor level.

Notice the little phrase "double honor," what does that mean? Well, it basically means generous ample pay, generous ample respect. The intent here is to show a difference between general category of pastors and a unique category of pastors who rule with great excellence and who work very hard in the preaching and the teaching. They are worthy of double honor. Double honor assumes as its comparative honor, so we say honor for elders, double honor for excellent hard-working elders.

That's the idea. The Spirit of God knows that among those who serve the church there will be a great group of faithful men who will serve the Lord with blessing, but there will also be a group of men who will serve the Lord with a greater effort and a greater commitment and a greater excellence and they are worthy of a greater acknowledgement, of honor from the congregations they serve. It's not a mathematical equation here to figure out what the normal elder gets and double it, it's the idea of ample generous support, remuneration and respect. All elders are worthy of it, some are worthy of more.

Now who are these who are worthy of double honor? Look back at verse 17. First of all, the elders that rule well...the elders that rule well. Now the word "ruling" means oversight, taking charge, giving leadership, having responsibility. Proistemi, the verb, means to stand first. They're first in order in terms of leadership. It is a word used to speak of the father and the husband in the family, he is the leader. He is the one who stands first. He is the protector, the provider. So the elder is the one who leads, who stands first, giving the task of leading the church. It's a tremendous responsibility, beloved, by the way, for all the privilege that is there you're really overwhelmed by the accountability. As Hebrews 13:17 says, "We have to give an account to God for what we've done."
But the emphasis is not on the verb ruling, the emphasis is on the adverb - well. And that adverb means with excellence. The elder, the pastor who leads with excellence. Now what would that be? How would we define excellence? I suppose we could go back to chapter 4 and we had in chapter 4 from verses 6 to 16 at least a pretty good insight into what excellence would be in leadership as Paul instructed Timothy. He said, verse 6, "If you put the brothers in remembrance of these things, you'll be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine, refusing profane and old women's tales, exercising yourself to godliness." And he talks about down in verse 11 teaching and commanding, in verse 12 living out an example, verse 13 giving your attendance to explaining the Word of God, verse 14 using your gift, verse 15 concentrating on all these things and into verse 16 summing it up, taking heed to yourself, your personal life, to your teaching, continuing in them and so forth. If we were to go back through all of that, which we did over several weeks, we would find the excellence of ministry is there. It is bound up in quality leadership. It is bound up in godliness in the life. It is bound up in teaching and explanation of Scripture and exhortation, setting a model and example and pattern that others can follow.

When a man excels in his ruling, in his leading, he is to be given double honor. Now the point here, keep it in mind, is not to make a distinction between two kinds of elders, one kind who rule and one kind who teach and preach, there's no such distinction made in Scripture. It is a contrast between elders worthy of honor and some elders worthy of double honor because of the excellency of their ministry. All serve, all lead, all teach and preach to one degree or another. Some may preach more than teach, some may teach more than preach, some may lead more than preach or teach, but they all do all of those to some degree. The contrast is not between ruling and teaching elders, there's no such dichotomy, the contrast is between the general group of men and those who are a cut above because of the excellence of their ministry. I mean, double honor assumes honor. It's not a contrast between all good elders and bad elders. The New Testament knows nothing of bad elders. As soon as you're a bad elder you're not an elder. As soon as you've sinned, you're disqualified. So he's not comparing holy elders and sinning elders because if holy elders were worthy double honor, then sinning elders would be worth honor. But since sinning elders are worthy nothing, you can't be making comparison between sinning elders and excellent elders because if sinning elders are worthy nothing and good elders get double that, they get double nothing which is nothing. I mean, every way you look at it, and I'm pushing the point, the contrast is not between good and bad, it's not between ruling and teaching, it's between those elders who are faithful, worthy of honor, and those who are excellent, surpassing the others in their ministry. He is comparing the respect and remuneration due to all elders with those due to unusually committed and diligent pastor/elders.

And the verb "let be considered worthy," which is the Greek text, reflects on a mental estimate. You evaluate them and let them be worthy of double honor. Now what he's saying here is this isn't a gift, you're not saying we want to give this as a gift, we want to give you this as a reward, we want to give you this as an act of grace. The idea is they deserve it. Consider that if they do an excellent job, they are worthy of that. It's not something you're giving out of grace as a gift, it is something they have really earned, they are worthy of that because of the excellence of their leadership.

Now please understand me. Again, this sounds so self- serving, even in my own mind. And I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You people pay me too much already, please know that. And I have refused to take raises many many times and I always have a little trouble with the elders. Recently they said they insisted and I told them I didn't want a raise. And so they said, "Why?" And I said, "Because I have more than I need." And they said...I said, "If you give me more than I just have more of more than I need to deal with." And they said, "Well, we want to give you more because we want to see what you do with what you don't need." So, I said that's fair enough. So the same thing happened again this year. And they said no, we insist and they watch me. But it's been a wonderful thing. I guess in a real sense you have to expect that if they trust you they would just as soon trust you with God's money as anyone else, right? If you're the kind of a person that walks with God they would assume that in your life you would be a steward of what God provides. And I pray, God, that that's true. I face my own unfaithfulness day in and day out because money is such a captivating reality, but the task before me is to be faithful in my ministry. And in this particular point in my life at this church to say to you, "Please, you have demonstrated honor above honor, you're into the triple category already, that's enough." I'm not asking for anything. I don't think this is a license for indulgence. I don't think this means you're supposed to set your pastor apart by giving him the biggest house in town and buying him a Rolls Royce and sending him all around the world on vacations or whatever. I don't think that's the idea. The idea is that he is to be provided for amply so that you show generosity, so that you show love and so that you free him up from being constrained in the ministry to have to earn his bread and therefore take himself away from needful things to do things less needful to support himself.

Then he adds a further thought here, just capping it off, " means chiefly or particularly when you're considering who is to get double honor, chiefly the ones who work hard in preaching and teaching." Now the assumption here is that there will be some elders who will not work as hard in preaching and teaching. That's a fair assumption from the text. In other words, their role may be less prominent in teaching. They may be more involved in the leading role, although they all teach and we insist, of course, that all elders and pastors at Grace Church be involved in teaching and preaching God's Word, and they are. Many of us do it more than others. For me it is a totally consuming way of life. And for those who teach the most and work the hardest at it, there is to be that double honor.

What does it mean working hard? Well it's that very familiar and almost ubiquitous word in the vocabulary of Paul, that word kopiaowhich means to work to the point of fatigue, to grow weary in work, to work to the point of exhaustion. And what he is saying is, "Look, when there is a godly elder who fits the qualifications and he models a ministry according to the divine standard and he does his ministry with excellence and he works to the point of fatigue and weariness in teaching and preaching the Word of God, that is the man to be identified as worthy of the double honor, the person who works so hard in excellent service to to give a maximum self-sacrificial effort." It's not stressing the amount of work, it's not stressing even the content of work, it's stressing the effort...the effort. A man's reward is designed by God to be in proportion to the excellence of his work and the effort in the toil that he makes. And that's a wonderful parallel. There are a lot of people who can do things that are surpassing and have external excellence and they can do it without much effort. Have you noticed that? There are some people who slave and slug and hack away to get the job done well. There are others who have those innate gifts, those natural gifts and those compelling gifts of the Spirit of God who enable them sometimes to do things with excellence without much effort. But the combination here is so wonderful. On the other hand, there are those people who slug and slave away and not much of what they do would be considered excellent. But here is that wonderful combination of the church recognizing that excellence and that diligence that when they come together mark out a man who is worthy of double honor.

And I have to confess to you that in my own heart the standard is so high that I don't believe that even those of us who have received from you honor upon honor are at the level of honor that Paul is talking about here. This has to be a surpassing kind of quality and character to that which we know, which I know of my own heart.

But when we find people like this, we must honor them. If we are to restore, beloved, if we are to restore to the church a biblical eldership, we must find these kind of faithful diligent excellent godly men and grant them the honor, the remuneration, the respect that is due to that kind of effort. And then we begin to restore to that place that kind of man that God would have there.

On the other hand, and I don't want to belabor the point, do you realize how churches can literally destroy good godly diligent faithful men? It's a sad sad tale. We talk so often about the defection of pastors but we need also to talk about the defection of churches from loving esteeming obeying submitting to following honoring and remunerating their pastors. It's sad some times to see young men coming out of seminaries starry-eyed and ready to go out and conquer the world for Christ and literally be devoured by people who dishonor, discredit, speak evil of them because they don't do precisely what they want done in the way they want it done or because they go against the grain of some would-be diatrophies(??) who has risen to prominence in a self- appointed position in some church. There's a balance here. And the church if it's going to restore a biblical eldership has to give back to that position its honor. You can't expect a pastor who comes in as a whipping boy for a board of laymen who don't have the spiritual knowledge, insight or commitment that he does to function in a way that's going to bring the respect that that kind of office demands from the statement from the Word of God.

So, restoring a biblical eldership, part of that is giving honor to whom honor is due. All elders then teach and preach, all elders lead. But some elders are worthy of double honor. All elders are worthy of honor. Elders are worthy of honor in two ways, respect and remuneration. Hard-working and excellent elders are worthy of the double honor, especially if they major in the teaching and preaching which is the particularly worthy thing. Preaching, by the way, is logo, just means speech, it includes exhortation, admonition, the prophetic kind of proclamation. It has mostly to do with the one who proclaims to the heart and calls for commitment, calls for a response to God. Teaching, didaskaliahas to do not with the content again but with the act of teaching. And it speaks mostly to the mind and whereas the preaching part calls for a response from God, the teaching part bulwarks one against heresy. Both are crucial, both are essential. And where you have men whose hearts are totally given to these things and their ministry is excellent, they are to receive honor.

I wish I could give this message to a lot of congregations who don't seem to understand that. And then they wonder why they have an unhappy church because they have an unhappy pastor whose doing what he does with grief and not with joy because they are an unsubmissive people. We can see then the high point of Christian ministry from the viewpoint of the elder or the pastor is to exhaust oneself in diligent careful constant preparation and preaching/teaching of the Word of God and in excellent leadership by life and example."