Wednesday, February 5, 2025

America's in the Demolition Stage


They were “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV). Thus the Bible says about the ancient men of Issachar.

When Donald Trump ran for the Republican nomination in 2016, I grieved at first. What an ungodly person! Over time, however, like many Christians I realized that in unusual times God raises up unobvious heroes. The nation had descended for several decades into ungodliness, lawlessness, and a rejection of what made us great. More than three generations of purposeful indoctrination from Leftists had almost destroyed the USA.

I wrote a blog article then called Why a Southern Baptist Pastor Will Vote for the Unvirtuous Donald Trump. To my shock, in one month it was viewed more than 20,000 times. I compared Trump to an Old Testament Samson, not someone you’d want your daughter to date. Samson had awful qualities, yet God raised him up at  dark time to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines.

The Deep State, 100 years of big government, layers of corruption, the Democratic Party machine, and the Republican elites had created a mammoth of a problem. We didn’t need a nice, clean, choir boy. Not Huckabee, not Carson, not Cruz, not Walker. The Goliath in front of America’s freedom required a New York street fighter. A Samson, who didn’t mind busting up some Philistine heads and getting his hands dirty. Evil times call for strange means.  

We’re just beginning to see the uncovering of the massive depth of corruption. I expect eventually all of us will be shocked.

Pastor Dutch Sheets, whom I’ve admired for thirty years, wisely states, “At this point in history, America did not need a statesman. And we certainly did not need a politician. Frankly . . . we did not need a peacemaker. We needed a “boat rocker,” a status quo wrecker, a business-as-usual interrupter. We are in the first part of Jeremiah 1:10; the second part is coming, but that will be a little slower: “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

Do I like everything Donald Trump says? Do I like all of his actions and attitudes? Do I like everything in his past? Of course not; that’s not why I voted for him. I voted for a reformer. . . . I want someone who will stare down the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, otherwise known as the mainstream media, and not be intimidated. I want someone who will build a military that is an effective war machine, not a woke machine. I want someone who will close our borders to all immigration that is not legal; someone who will demand that our education system teaches our children how to read; and someone who will stop the trans madness. I want healed children, not butchered children, common sense above Ivy League idiocy, and a Congress that can balance a checkbook. 

Now that America has seen what they are doing to our nation, and has elected a man with backbone enough to resist it – and who also happens to be a person they tried desperately to humiliate and destroy – the Left is terrified. They maligned his character, turned our judicial system loose on him, “sicced” our FBI on him and his followers, and defiled his home. Now, he is even more angry and determined; their hypocritical cries for civility, kindness, and compromise are falling on deaf ears. 

The progressive Left is also watching 50 years of antichrist secularization and globalism dissolve, their media lose influence with the populous, and the American people stand up and say, “Enough!” DEI is being dismantled, DOJ employees and Inspectors General are being fired, lazy employees willing to trade blind loyalty for a free ride have been served notice, and billions of dollars are being pulled from worthless and ridiculous government programs. The Left is angry and horrified. The nation they “changed” is being “reformed.” The time will soon come when America needs builders, statesmen, and peacemakers. At this time, however, we are in the demo stage. As we find the termites, mold, leaks, and cracked foundations, we can repair, reconstitute, and restore. A great revival is coming to fuel this process, also causing the desired changes to align with God’s will and ways." 

Read the entire article by Dutch Sheets here.

Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here

Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.

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Monday, February 3, 2025

The Government is not the Church


Christians need a robust, biblical and intellectual theology, including their theology of government. Dr. Wayne Grudem gave the church a tremendous resource, Politics According to the Bible. He writes, “There should be a distinction between those things that are governed by the church and those that are under the authority of civil government.”

Jesus said, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God” (Matthew 22:21 NLT). The church does not tax people for better roads, organize a nation’s military, nor work towards lowering the national debt. The government is not responsible for the spiritual training of her people. That does not mean Christians should not influence the nation’s values – politics comes down to someone’s values legislated.

Government, nations, borders, and law are God’s ideas. The Bible is replete with such evidence. Government’s broad purposes are protecting her people, creating sustainable infrastructure, and helping the economy prosper. The Church’s broad purpose comes through disciple-making, serving others, and building society and culture reflecting goodness and truth.

Sometimes well-meaning people confuse issues, expecting government to be something it’s not intended to be. Government is not church nor a parent.

The issues of open borders and illegal immigration illustrates this reality. Some people, opposed to deporting illegals, cite Jesus’ words to “love your neighbor as yourself,” meaning, we should not deport them. Herein lies a basic misunderstanding of government vs. church’s role. The government is not to be Jesus to the world. The individual Christian is.

God entrusts government with “the sword,” meaning power to enforce law, using force – and sometimes death - if necessary. The apostle Paul wrote, “But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer” (Rom. 13:4 NIV).

It is government’s duty to close the border, protecting her citizens, and enforce the law, which includes rounding up illegal aliens and deporting them. Undeniably, this leads to heartbreaking situations, as when families are split up or deported.

Equally sad is when an American citizen uses illegal drugs and causes the death of another driver in a car accident. The drug user, arrested and incarcerated, is separated from his family and friends. It is sorrowful. But the guilt does not lie on the government for enforcing law – but on the law-breaker.

Government should not turn a deaf ear or blind eye in the name of “being Jesus” any more than when the Army is on the front line fighting a war – or when the FBI closes down on a crime boss or sex offender.

As government stays in its lane, the church and Christians have opportunity to show love and compassion. Grudem suggests American churches should be a wonderful home for immigrants here legally. And for illegals, he suggests the church should “kindly but honestly counsel” them that the Bible teaches we should submit to the law: “Illegal immigrants are obligated before God to obey the immigration laws of the United States.” In some cases, Christians could help illegals find immigration lawyers. Most cases require encouraging them to leave and “apply for entry into the United States on the same basis as everyone else, through proper legal channels.” And in the meantime, individual believers may have opportunities to show love, compassion, and offer temporary assistance to illegals in their path


Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here

Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Sanity Restored - The Inauguration of President Donald Trump


January 20th, 2025, marked one of the most consequential historical dates of my fifty-plus years on this earth. Matt Walsh calls it “the dawn of a new America,”  with President Trump’s America First platform.

In many ways, the Left’s oligarchy, characterized primarily by the radical Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens, created the Donald Trump movement. And it was nothing short of amazing in his inaugural address at the US Capitol to see him promise to undo the mess they created, as they sat just inches away from him.

As the progressives got more and more radical the past four election cycles, the average American grew weary. Ben Shapiro shared, “The single-most and stupid issue Democrats rallied around the last two elections” was the transgender one. For many voters, including moderates, Democrats, and non-Republicans, the Leftist agenda of pushing radical ideology policies was the last straw. No longer would people stand for pretending men can be women and women, men.

All of a sudden, we were living in crazy-ville, pressured by the Leftist media, entertainment moguls, and politicians to pretend to be excited about drag queens reading to elementary kids, preschoolers told they can decide if they want to be a boy or a girl, and teenagers identifying as cats and dogs – and their school teachers not allowed to challenge the stupidity. A recent New York Times article revealed that 80% of Americans do not support the transgender ideology.

But in his inaugural address, Trump declared the words that have been common sense for several millennia: "As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female." And millions of Americans breathed a sigh of relief as common sense and sanity began percolating in the air again.

Joe Biden shockingly signed pre-emptive pardons for not only his entire family, but Fauci and the entire January 6 committee. That wreaks of organized crime at work.

Trump’s “political aims—the disruption of the administrative state, a rewriting of the international order, a reduction in the cost of government, and a confrontation with progressivist ideology—represent a deliberate and unconditional rejection of the political order represented by the Democratic Party and its progressivist ideologies and what he sees as the sell-out leadership of the Republican Party’s traditional elites” (Albert Mohler).

We’re over the fake normality of the Leftists, trying to make us call what is good, bad, what is false, true, and what is wrong, right. Tired of the disastrous policies of the last four years.

My hope rests in the Lord and His eternal truth. My supreme allegiance is to no earthly ruler or nation. But I do live in the here and now. And it is obvious that the sovereign God raised up this unique man, Donald Trump, for this time in history. My prayers will be with him and his team – as will the prayers of millions thankful for this hour.

How desperately we needed him in a dark, evil hour. As Mohler aptly writes, “We need President Trump to blow up the administrative state and the Davos network without blowing himself up—or blowing up the nation.” 

Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here

Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.

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Trump banner is on the side of the Heritage Foundation building in Washington, D.C.


America Awakes From Its Coma


"We were drugged. This was an aberration. Maybe it was the COVID lockdown. Maybe it was the George Floyd. Maybe it was the hatred of Donald Trump. Maybe—I don’t know what it was, but it was a four-year aberration. And now they’re coming to their senses and they’re thinking Joe Biden really was cognitively declined. A coup dismissed him.

That was abnormal. The border should be closed. There really are two main sexes, not three. Looting and shoplifting have to be crimes or society will not exist. What happened in Afghanistan, turning over $50 billion to terrorists, that’s not normal. That’s not the United States. Nor is putting 'daylight' between us and Israel.

So, there’s a sense now that, Rip Van Winkle, like we’ve woken up. And Donald Trump wasn’t a monster. In fact, Donald Trump has commonsense answers to all the things of the last four years. So we’re looking back and we’re saying we were mad. And now there’s a commonsense corrective and we don’t really care if it’s Donald Trump or not, but we’re going to go with the corrective and return America to common sense."

Click here to read the entire article by Victor Davis Hanson at The Daily Signal.

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Trump Promises ‘Revolution Of Common Sense’ In Speech To World Economic Forum

During a speech to the World Economic Forum on Thursday, President Donald Trump said his administration was ushering in a “revolution of common sense.”

Trump, who appeared virtually, slammed the Biden administration during his speech and listed off a number of the executive orders he has made on energy, spending, and the economy. During his appearance, Trump urged Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil and promised businesses that make their products in the U.S. would benefit from low taxes. 

“What the world has witnessed in the past 72 hours is nothing less than a revolution of common sense,” Trump said. “Our country will soon be stronger, wealthier, and more united than ever before and the entire planet will be more peaceful and prosperous as a result of this incredible momentum.”

Click here to read the entire article by Leif Le Mahieu at The Daily Wire.

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America’s Golden Age Starts, And The Left Still Goes Woke


"America’s Golden Age is just getting started.

And the Left has still not recovered.

They haven’t regained their semblance of reality or normalcy. One of the reasons why there is a feeling of unity in the country overall is because the era of weird is over and the era of the normie is back."

Read the entire article by Ben Shapiro here at The Daily Wire.

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Parental Rights, Jan. 6, JFK Files, and other Hot Topics - 01/23/2025


What a week in the life of American politics. Here are just a few of the exciting happenings from the week of the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

There's a lot more to be told to what happened at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. One of Trump's many Executive Orders this week was to release many people who he believed were wrongly imprisoned. Check that out and more . . .

‘I Didn’t Do Anything’: Pardoned ‘January 6er’ Says He Was Railroaded, Rejected Plea Deal

House Republicans Launch New January 6 Panel

GOP Rep Fires Back at Jim Acosta After Endless Trump J6 Pardon Questions


President Trump To Pardon Imprisoned Pro-Life Activists Within Days

Trump Declassifies Files on JFK, RFK, MLK Assassinations


‘It’s Crying Wolf’: Joe Rogan Blasts The Left For Accusing Elon Musk Of ‘Nazi Salute’

Branding Trump ‘Fascist’ Is Name-Calling and Historical Illiteracy

GOP Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Protect Parental Rights


Sens. Tim Scott and James Lankford, along with Rep. Virginia Foxx, introduced legislation to uphold parental rights in education, childrearing, and health care.

“Parents have a fundamental right to control the upbringing of their child, whether it’s in the classroom or at home,” Scott said in a statement first shared with The Daily Signal. “Yet, far too often, parents are being pushed out of their child’s lives, and kids are paying the price. I will always fight to put parents back in the driver’s seat and ensure they remain the lead decision-maker in their child’s life.”

The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act affirms that parents have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and health care of their children. It prevents the federal government from substantially burdening that fundamental right without first passing a legal strict scrutiny test.

Click here to read the entire article by Elizabeth Mitchell at The Daily Signal.

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Clemency and Capital Crimes: Biden’s Travesty of Injustice


"Two days before Christmas 2024, President Joe Biden commuted the sentences of 37 of 40 federal death row inmates. Five of these had murdered children; several had murdered multiple people and on separate occasions.

Among those whose death sentence was commuted was Thomas Sanders, who on Sept. 8, 2010, in Louisiana kidnapped a 12-year-old girl, shot her, and slit her throat. This atrocity occurred only days after the girl was held captive and forced to witness Sanders murder her own mother.

Another whose death sentence was commuted was Jorge Avila-Torrez, who in 2005 in north Chicago sexually assaulted and stabbed to death two girls, an 8- and 9-year-old. Four years later, Avila-Torrez assaulted a 20-year-old woman and naval officer in Northern Virginia, strangling her to death in her own barracks."

Click here to read the entire article by J. Daryl Charles at The Daily Signal.

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On Inauguration Day, Trump Writes the Next Chapter of America


Inauguration Day for the 45th and now 47th president of the United States, Donald Trump, featured a host of events in which Trump was in attendance. The inauguration, of course. The inaugural luncheon. The parade at the Capital One Arena. The Commander in Chief Ball and the Liberty Ball. And finally, his first night at the White House. It was a well-orchestrated spectacle that will be remembered for years, as Trump infused his unique brand of entertainment into the festivities.

However, it appeared that Trump was eager to prioritize work over pleasure at the Capital One Arena. In addition to addressing and celebrating with a crowd of 20,000 supporters, he seated himself at a desk and did something unprecedented. In the center of the arena, he sat down and signed several executive orders to resounding applause from the audience, later tossing the individual pens used for each signature into the crowd, like a T-shirt toss at a Washington Wizards game—very on brand for Trump.

In total, Trump signed 26 executive orders, 12 memoranda, and four proclamations.

Click here to read the entire article by Armstrong Williams at The Daily Signal.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

It’s Donald Trump’s world now


"Monday was one of those very few days that draw a line in the sands of history. America observed the inauguration of the 47th president of the United States as Donald Trump became only the second president to be elected to two non-consecutive terms in office. But the return of Donald Trump to the White House is not merely a new footnote in presidential history, it is the marking of a new political age.

This political era will surely be seen as the Age of Trump. Donald Trump is the single most disruptive electoral force in American politics to appear in the modern age. In some sense, Franklin D. Roosevelt could be seen as a combination of the global energies of his relative, Theodore Roosevelt, and the administrative energies of Woodrow Wilson. On the other side, Ronald Reagan represented a conservative course correction from within the political mainstream.

Donald Trump is a singular. He comes from no mainstream whatsoever. He held no public office until he was elected president of the United States in 2016—an electoral victory that evidently surprised him as much as it shocked the political class. There is no precedent for the 47th president of the United States except for the 45th president of the United States, and even that precedent is limited in predictive value. The Donald Trump who entered the White House on Monday is a seasoned political veteran compared to the same man who entered the Oval Office eight years earlier. This time, Trump comes in with, by his own estimation, infinitely greater political experience, as well as a battle-tested team and a clear sense of purpose.

He is a man of exaggerated arguments and extravagant language whose political aims—the disruption of the administrative state, a rewriting of the international order, a reduction in the cost of government, and a confrontation with progressivist ideology—represent a deliberate and unconditional rejection of the political order represented by the Democratic Party and its progressivist ideologies and what he sees as the sell-out leadership of the Republican Party’s traditional elites. He wears the disdain of the intellectual elites as a badge of honor, and he intends to govern by force of will rather than incremental policies. This time, he comes to the Oval Office with what he sees as an undeniable mandate. He intends to use that mandate. If you don’t like it, he doesn’t care. As a matter of fact, elite disdain is the oxygen he craves, and that includes the condescension of the older accommodationist Republican leadership class. In President Trump’s eyes, the distinction between a Bush and a Clinton is negligible."

Click here to read the entire article by Albert Mohler at World Magazine.

Image is the Presidential portrait of Donald Trump

Library of Congress

Sunday, January 19, 2025

President Trump: from 2016 to 2024


The Big Picture: Why Evangelicals Support Donald Trump

God and Donald Trump Book Review

Trump, Hate, and the Narrative

Why a Southern Baptist Pastor Will Vote for the Unvirtuous Donald Trump (2016)

Once in a Century: Reflections on the 2016 Election

Why Voting for Donald Trump is a Morally Good Choice (2016)

Should Christians Vote for Trump? (2016)

In Defense of Pro-Trump Christians

Hail to the Chief – Yes, I Would Vote for Trump Again (2017)

America is Drowning in the Left’s Lies About Trump (2019)

Why a Southern Baptist Pastor Will Vote for Donald Trump in 2020

7 Reasons to Vote for Trump-Pence in 2020

Something We’ve Never Seen Before (2022)

Why an Evangelical Pastor Will Vote for Donald Trump in 2024

Why Donald Trump and the Red Wave Blanketed the USA (2024)

Providence and Presidents

Attempted Assassination

The 5 Ps of Voting this November (2020)

Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here

Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.

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Why Donald Trump and a Red Wave Blanketed the USA


Sometimes I realize the event I’m standing in looms much larger than just my corner of the world. Such was my feeling this morning after witnessing Donald Trump decisively win the Presidency of the United States.

Millions of Americans realized the dismal spiral our country was on the past four years. What we experienced into the early hours of Wednesday morning was a loud repudiation of the Leftist elites and their terrible and harmful ideas the past 4+ years.

Sixteen years ago on Election Night, President-elect Barak Obama promised that America was about to be fundamentally transformed. For much of the past two decades, hard-working Americans grew tired and irritated at this “change.”

Obama, perhaps now the Godfather of the new radicals, was mentored by Communists in the Saul Alinsky playbook. While his charm was smooth as silk, he initiated a Leftist charge. Since then, steel workers, grocery clerks, accountants, school teachers, homeschool moms, entrepreneurs and business owners from metropolitan cities to small town America have been sold a bill of goods that didn’t deliver.

Read the entire article here.

Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here

Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.

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