"My heart is stirred by a noble theme; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." - Psalm 45:1
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Praying for Character in our Children
Remember who you belong to!"
Ma-Ma often left me with this challenge when I was a teenager and left the house to go out with my friends. As I walked out of the kitchen door, her exhortation followed me.
Those few words summarized a whole lot. I knew then and now that Ma-Ma was saying . . .
- You belong to the Lord. You are a representative of Jesus Christ to the world, so live like it.
- You belong to our family. You represent the Wilson and Hendrix families.
- Make decisions that honor the Lord and your parents. Don't be a fool!
Every good mom and dad wants their children to grow up to become adults with good character. We want them to shine like stars, as we often say to our children today.
As a father of three children, I want their character to outlast me.

cided to go see him face-to-face. After discussing the land, the owner realized that he once knew Bill's grandfather. The man told Bill that he would sell him the land because of the character of Bill's deceased grandfather. The man's character outlived him. His character was his legacy.
I have a few short years to influence my children when we live together in the same house. However, I can influence them for decades to come through my prayers.
The Scriptures provide several lists of noble character traits. Several years ago I took some of these lists and divided them up into specific prayers for each day of the month. There are twenty-nine traits here, one to pray daily. On months with thirty or thirty-one days, there is grace in case I miss a day or two.
Why not begin praying these simple traits for your family? The legacy just may outlast you.
1. Above reproach (a good reputation)
2. Husband of one wife (maintains moral purity)
3. Temperate (exemplifies balance in words and action)
4. Prudent (being wise and humble)
5. Respectable (serves as a good role model)
6. Hospitable (demonstrates unselfishness and generosity)
7. Able to teach (communicates sensitively)
8. Not given to wine (not addicted to substances)
9. Not self-willed (not self-centered)
10. Not quick-tempered (void of anger that becomes sinful)
11. Not abusive
12. Not contentious (not argumentative nor divisive)
13. Gentle (sensitive, loving, kind)
14. Free from the love of money (not materialistic)
15. One who manages his own house well (a good husband and father)
16. A good reputation with those outside the church (a good testimony to unbelievers)
17. Love what is good (pursues godly activities)
18. Just (wise, discerning, not prejudiced)
19. Devout (holy and righteous)
20. Not a new convert (mature in the faith)
21. Loving
22. Joyful
23. Peaceful
24. Patient
25. Kind
26. Merciful
27. Good
28. Faithful
29. Self-controlled
The first twenty qualities are taken from Paul’s descriptions of the character of an elder. These character traits should mark the life of any godly, mature man or woman. The last nine traits come from the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-10 ; Galations 5:22-23)
Pictures used by permission from Pexels
Pictures used by permission from Pexels
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
New Job Opportunity
Greetings family and friends.
One of the surest pieces of advice I’ve ever received is
that you never really know exactly what you’ll be doing six months from now!

Mark Batterson says, "God loves showing up in
unexpected ways at unexpected times." Very unexpectedly, in
January a new opportunity presented itself.
Two weeks ago I accepted the job offer of Senior
Writer for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Charlotte,
North Carolina. We’ve been surprised and pleased with this unexpected

I’ve respected the BGEA
for many years, and their ministry impacted my own life in a variety of
ways. Of course, I love how focused they are on evangelism – spreading the
message of salvation of Christ and the cross – as well as their humanitarian
work in the USA and around the world.
And I also greatly respect how Franklin makes
opportunities to prophetically speak truth and God’s Word into our culture. He
understands we are not only called to share the gospel but redeem and
speak into the culture in a way that glorifies God.
In 1979, Jerry Falwell, Sr., saw the need to energize the
conservative evangelical voting base. He got to work, founding the Moral
Majority. Some historians attribute his effort to being a significant factor in
getting Ronald Reagan elected.
In 2016, Franklin Graham saw the need once again to mobilize the conservative evangelical voting base. He called Jerry Falwell, Jr., and asked for help. Franklin embarked on the Decision Tour, began using Decision magazine to speak to cultural-political issues from a biblical, conservative evangelical perspective, and became a significant voice in the culture wars. With over 1.5 million facebook followers, he’s making impact.
In 2016, Franklin Graham saw the need once again to mobilize the conservative evangelical voting base. He called Jerry Falwell, Jr., and asked for help. Franklin embarked on the Decision Tour, began using Decision magazine to speak to cultural-political issues from a biblical, conservative evangelical perspective, and became a significant voice in the culture wars. With over 1.5 million facebook followers, he’s making impact.
Two weeks, I toured the Samaritan’s Purse headquarters in
Boone, NC. I’m looking forward to jumping in with the BGEA in helping get out
their message.
I remember attending my first writers’ conference years ago
at Ridgecrest, NC. I was interested in writing and felt direction from the Lord
to begin developing those talents.
I knelt in my hotel room that day and said, “Lord, I don’t
know how to get established as a writer, but I will do everything I know to do
to learn and develop as one. I trust You to open doors now and in the future.”
Since then God has allowed lots of opportunities to get established as a
freelance writer in the Christian market.
We’re looking forward to joining arms with the BGEA in the
days ahead. We appreciate your prayers as we do. We hope to relocate this
summer somewhere between Charlotte and Lancaster - maybe the Rock Hill
I’m also putting out my name to be a supply or interim
pastor in the greater Charlotte area. I miss preaching and teaching God’s Word
and leading others toward discipleship, so I hope for some opportunities in
that area.
Many blessings,
Rhett Wilson
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Faithful People
This article appeared in HomeLife magazine in January 2017 under the name "Fresh Faith." Della Thomason, whom I mention in the article, died this past week at age 102. It was a privilege and joy to speak at her home going service yesterday.
qualities are as significant as faithfulness. Merriam-Webster defines
faithfulness as “steadfast in affection or allegiance” or “showing true and
constant support or loyalty.”
America and the church are deeply affected by a consumer-oriented mentality. We
make decisions based on our happiness and preferences. We want to be served
rather than make the sacrifices to serve others. We want to go to church and be
fed rather than ask, “How can we feed others?”
It would be
rare to hear a family say, “We’re choosing a church based on how we can best
use our lives to glorify God, serve others, and benefit the kingdom.”
Jesus values
faithfulness: “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and
whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much” (Luke
Our “very
little” may be a Sunday School, discipleship, or missions class we teach. We
spend several hours preparing and then only have four of five people come. Or,
our “very little” may be delivering meals to a few shut-ins weekly. We may pray
for God to use us at work but feel our reach is small. We may
have a college degree, yet find ourselves staying home caring for two or three
Yet remember
the promise of Jesus: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
of Mine, you did for Me” (Matthew 25:40).
One hundred
people in our class are not necessary to gain His attention. He exhorts us to
be faithful to the ones He gives us. And when we do, He sees and credits it to
our account.
After the
builder generation returned from World War II, they became models of
faithfulness. They understood their greatness came from being faithful to
causes bigger than their own happiness and fulfillment.
I remember
several of those builders who influenced my life.
• Martha
Fowler, a young
senior adult, taught my fourth grade Sunday School class. I remember how
seriously she took the Bible, revered God, and loved her students.
• Della
Thomason, who just turned 100, taught third grade Sunday School for 50+ years in one church I served. She finally “retired” from teaching children when she
was about 90 years old. In her 90's, Della would ask while I was visiting in her home or call me at church with a Bible question. I knew a serious question was coming when she said, "Now Rhett . . . ."
• My
grandmother, Virginia Hendrix, taught the senior adult Bible class in her
church into her eighties, until she was bedridden. Then they named the class
after her!
And what a
wonderful example Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-Fil-A, left. He faithfully
taught Sunday School to elementary boys in his church for more than 40 years.
Why? Because he believed it was better to build boys than mend men.
these and others didn’t serve because of convenience but because they knew
Jesus wants us to serve.
We’re wise
to remember models of faithfulness. We learn from their steadfast examples. Our
setting may be one in the limelight, or it may be one of obscurity. Either way,
Jesus is pleased as we practice faithfulness.
Here are
four ways we can pass on faithfulness.
1. Interact in
family devotions over Bible passages of faithful heroes. Discuss qualities in
the lives of Abraham, Ruth, Esther, Barnabas, and others.
2. Read
stories together of Christian statesmen whose faithfulness was costly. Learn
the lives of Brother Andrew, William Bradford, Corrie ten Boom, and Mary
Slessor, to name a few.
3. Model faithfulness.
Do our children see us serving others? Do we show up on time? Do we come
prepared? Do we use our time, money, and resources to serve others?
4. Involve our
children in serving. They can help us prepare for the church class, set up
chairs for the youth meeting, and visit the elderly and sick.
As we enter
the first month of the new year, let’s be faithful to Christ and His call on
our lives.
We’re wise
to remember models of faithfulness. We learn from their steadfast examples.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Putting on Dancing Shoes
The following post originally appeared on my previous blog, "We've a Story to Tell to the Nations," on July 9, 2006.
When you are a child, you don't realize how deeply special it is to have a few people in your life who love you unconditionally. Years later in adulthood, you look back into the windows of your youth and realize what a magnanimous gift were those few people.
This afternoon I heard that a dear woman of God went into Jesus' presence yesterday afternoon. Gloria Taylor is one of the wonderful people God brought in my life. She and her husband Steve were early mentors in my life during my childhood and youth.
Mom and Dad became friends with them in the 1960's at Edwards Road Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. They maintained their friendship when my parents moved to North Carolina in the 1970's. When we returned to Greenville in 1980, my first memory of Wednesday nights there was eating supper with Steve and "Glo." That tradition continued for much of the next fifteen years. We shared life together over Wednesday night church suppers from 1980-1995. When the Taylors moved to Franklin, Tennessee, to be with their children and grandchildren, I remember my mother grieving a little. She told me once, "Except for vacations, I have eaten supper with Gloria every week for fifteen years!"
Steve and Gloria's impact on my life was phenomenal. As a youngster, I was deeply impressed by their love for the Lord, worship, their family, church, and the lost. Steve, a musical evangelist, beautifully played the trumpet. He traveled for years primarily with Angel Martinez, a famous SBC preacher-evangelist. One SBC preacher told me years ago that Steve Taylor probably visited more SBC churches doing revival meetings than any man alive next to Martinez. Steve received a beautiful white eagle award from the SBC's Evangelists Conference years ago for a lifetime of evangelistic service.

The Taylors overflowed with love. I always felt welcomed and wanted in their presence. That says a lot for a man's recollection of his boyhood.
Many Sundays I remember hearing Steve's bellowing "Amen." Thank God for that. More than anything, they taught me to worship God. They loved the songs, praises, and singers of the Lord.
Gloria loved the Christian music group TRUTH - popular from the '70's through the '90's. I remember sitting with Steve and Gloria twenty years ago at TRUTH Christmas Spectacular Concerts at the Hyatt Regency. Those were some of TRUTH's greatest days (when the 4Him quartet and other fabulous singers were a part of the ensemble), and they sang those unforgettable songs like Majesty, There is a Hope, A New Heart, and my favorite, Jesus Never Fails.
Gloria once heard one of her daughter-in-laws was in labor in Tennessee. She got in her car to drive to Nashville, and TRUTH's Gentle Hands came over the WLFJ radio station. Gloria said, "I knew everything was going to be ok!"
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Steve and Gloria with Roger Breland, the Director of TRUTH |
One lasting memory I have of attending concerts with them was at First Baptist Spartanburg, SC, when their choir performed Integrity Music's God with Us musical. When the music came out it was ground breaker, introducing the use of praise and worship banners, praise teams, and more praise choruses to many Southern Baptist churches. The praise team for that particular evening was none other than TRUTH. I remember Steve raising his hand and shouting, "Glory!" at a high and holy moment and watching Gloria jam to the music.
She was a model mother, raising four children with her husband on the road many weeks. Her grandchildren and many friends loved her. For many years during my childhood, my mom and I would visit the Taylors on Christmas Eve. When I was in high school and college, I used to love to stop by and visit the Taylors in their town home.

Recently, one Wednesday afternoon, I suddenly felt prompted to write Gloria a long letter, thanking her for her influence in my life. It was one of those moments when I thought about delaying, and it was as if the Spirit of God said, "NO! Do this now or you will not have another opportunity."
I sat down immediately, poured out my memories in a letter and mailed it the next day. I was later told that one of her children read it to her when she was in her declining state. She would nod her head to many of the things I wrote.
This past Sunday morning I had not yet heard of her homegoing. In our first service I sang as a solo the hymn Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior. When I began singing, I thought, "This one is for you, Gloria."
On Saturday, as Gloria was near death, her son brought in a record player with a stack of Steve's old records. She spent her last day listening to her husband sing the praises of God. And then the angels of heaven came and transported her soul into the bosom of Jesus, the One she loved and worshiped.
As my mom said this weekend, Gloria is about to put on her dancing shoes in the presence of Jesus.
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"Aunt" Janice |
The "Glo" Star on my Christmas tree (2022)
Friday, March 15, 2019
Franklin Graham: We Must Not Remain Silent

That was
never more evident than with the treatment of Karen Pence, wife of Vice
President Mike Pence, as she was savagely attacked by the media—even
international pundits—for her part-time role as an art teacher at a Christian
school in suburban Virginia.
Mrs. Pence
had taught for 12 years at the school, which like most evangelical Christian
schools in America, affirms traditional, Biblical marriage between one man and
one woman, with clear definitions of sexual identity according to Scripture.
These are the solid, moral foundations that have undergirded civilizations for
Read the entire article here at Decision Magazine.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Election Anarchy from the Democratic Party
The following comes from Tony Perkins' weekly email from the Family Research Council Prayer Team:
This past
Friday, the liberal progressive-led House of Representatives passed HR1, the
"For the People Act," the Democratic Party's signature piece of
legislation for 2019. It is the most sweeping, unwise, destructive and I
believe anti-American election "reform bill" ever proposed in
America. I had a hard time writing a Prayer Target about it earlier this week.
From my perspective, it is election anarchy. And if it were ever to become law,
it would be the end of the American Republic.
I answered a
good friend who wrote me about the Prayer Targets by saying, "I couldn't
get my head wrapped around this bizarre, far overreaching, 700-page octopus
with hundreds of tentacles intended to overthrow the election process and with
it, what is left of American liberty." Read the Prayer Targets and the Heritage Foundation article I linked. It outlines
HR1. Make sure to click "READ FULL REPORT" and you
will understand why I thanked God for the three branches of Government and the
two chambers of Congress.
construction of government has preserved us, even amid our apathy and spiritual
dullness, more than once, and given us time to wake up and mend our ways. But
if we allow the people who passed this outrageous bill to gain even more power
in 2020, it may be all over (and I do not believe I am exaggerating). We are
facing the greatest divide among the citizens of our country since the Civil
War, even if, so far, it is an ideological and worldview division. If
Christians fail to use their spiritual tools and weapons to win this present
war, by prevailing over this new worldview with a Jesus revolution (Mt 28:18-20) that makes America "One Nation Under
God," again, American freedom will become a thing of the past.
Do not be
deceived. We are still benefitting from the faith of our Founding Fathers, but
we must see a revival of that faith if we are going to pass on to our children
this awesome nation, established by God's grace. Only Christians who are able
to use such spiritual tools and weapons can break through the moral insanity
that has stolen minds. Only free men and women can stave off the darkness and
bring deliverance to the multitudes in spiritual darkness around us and defeat
the leaders of this apostasy, who are in spiritual bondage themselves, and
labor day and night to bring others into their bondage (Jn 8:33-47).

They have
successfully hijacked a majority of our cultural institutions and our centers
of influence, with the majority of America's news outlets now controlled by
amoral and immoral liberals (media professionals are overwhelmingly liberal
Democrats -- see MRC & IBD). Big Tech is controlled by liberals, too. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and PayPal routinely manipulate users, overtly and
covertly favoring liberal groups while censoring and restraining conservatives,
and most Americans don't even know it. These internet giants all use the SPLC
(see SPLC Exposed)
to identify those deemed to be "hate groups" and work with the SPLC
to destroy them. Among these groups are some of the most rock solid Christian
organizations and leaders in America. If these organizations in any way oppose the LGBTQ agenda, they are
deemed "hate groups."
The hatred
of the "Progressive Left" toward Christians, Jews, the Bible, the
constraints of the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. partnership with Israel has
been brewing and heating up over the past several decades, but now this
cauldron of hate is breaching the dams and revealing what is in the hearts of far
too many Americans. Now, Christians are called the "haters" and
"bigots." Christians in leadership are called "intolerant"
and "indecent" and the rest of us are dismissed as
"deplorable" and "irredeemable."
Many of us
turned from the left-leaning secular media years ago, grateful for the
"new media" that provide Christians a venue for free speech. Now,
those who control the internet have found insidious new ways to silence
Christian and conservative thought and speech through "shadow banning"
and outright censorship reminiscent of communist regimes. This could not have
been imagined in America a few years ago. But it is the fruit of two things --
the capacity for evil to grow worse and worse among unbelievers, and the
failure of the church to be salt, light, and leaven in every sector of society,
which God has called us to reach and win with the Gospel (Mt 5:13-16; 13:33; 2 Tim 3:13-14).
In the void,
those who hate the Gospel have grown in strength and numbers, and America has
experienced a rapid, shocking moral and spiritual decline. The psalmist answers
this predicament:
Why do
the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth
set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord,
and against his anointed, saying, "Let us break their bands asunder, and
cast away their cords from us."

When the
powers that be attempted to censor the New Testament saints shortly after
Pentecost, the believers huddled and prayed that scripture aloud and the
building in which they were gathered shook with the anointing and power of God
who was with them (Acts 4:18-37). We have that same power today, as we gather
to pray over the direct challenges to the advancement of God's purposes and
kingdom in our nation and world.
- Almighty God, may your people
come together in one accord in making our appeal to you. You are the
Sovereign Lord who sits in the heavens and rules over all. You hear the
threats breathed against your people. You know the trouble planned for us
by those who reject your Son. You see the persecution they have planned
when they have the power to do so. Therefore, we ask with the Apostles and
the early church: "Grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they
may speak thy word." (Acts 4:29)
Tony Perkins (bio) is President of both Family Research Council and the Council for National Policy. A member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, he is an ordained Southern Baptist minister. This is from his periodic Fox News religious column.
used by permission from Pixabay.
Grace in a Billfold

I love his story of how he and
his family reached out to “fallen” Jim Baker in the 1980’s during and after his
prison sentence. They threw no stones but reached out in love and grace – even
though some of his theology and methodology differed from their own.
visited Jim several times in prison, and when Baker got out they invited him to
attend church with them and sit beside Ruth. They invited him to their
house for Sunday dinner and discovered he only had an envelope for a wallet,
Ruth Graham gave Baker one of Billy’s wallets. Franklin writes, “He was visibly
shaken. A fallen minister, convicted of financial wrongdoing, was being handed
Billy Graham’s billfold! To this day, he still carries that wallet. I saw him
pull it out during a recent interview.”
continues, “Man’s way is to expose, to sell a lot of magazines, to boost
circulation. Who cares that success comes at someone else’s expense?
someone’s sin is uncovered, what are we to do? Call the Associated Press? Sell
the story? Send it to a Christian magazine?
None of
that. We are called to love and forgive the fallen. 1 Corinthians 13:5 says,
‘Love keeps no record of wrongs.’
This sin of
gossiping has been around the church for a long time. Back in the sixth
century, a monk named John Climacus chastised those he called ‘accountants of
other people’s faults.’
I don’t mean to imply that we should be soft on sin. The Bible clearly states that sin should be confronted privately and in love.
A.B. Simpson
said, ‘I would rather play with forked lightning . . . than speak a reckless
word against any servant of Christ, or idly repeat the slanderous darts which thousands
of Christians are hurling on others, to the hurt of their own souls and
God will
sort out everything when we get to heaven, so we can put away our knives.”
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