Peggy Noonan
described it as “deeply historic – a rebuke to Barack Obama” during the CBS
coverage on election night.
“A modern-day political miracle happening before our eyes,” said Sean Hannity on a telephone interview on the FOX News coverage on the night of November 8.
Cal Thomas
said, “This was more than a change election. It was a revolution.”

It was a major defeat for the media and the establishment in American
Yes, the people have had enough of Hillary Clinton.
If she [Hillary] won, then our
country would be very troubled. The end
of eight tragic, destructive years of Barack Obama. If only that, it would be enough, of what Barack
Obama has done to this country. If only
a repudiation of the media of utter contempt.
You didn’t even act neutral. The
contempt with which you in the media are held.
Their task is not to be objective during this election but to elect a
overcomes the media establishment, the political establishment, and the
globalist establishment. The Trump
voters reacted against the mainstream media, the Hollywood and Miley Cyrus
self-proclaimed pundits, the out-of-touch establishment of both parties, and the
arrogant elitism of the last eight years.
Todd Starnes wrote, We were mocked by Hollywood and dismissed by academics. We were marginalized by the media – bullied and belittled by sex and gender revolutionaries.
But all that changed on Election Day – when Donald Trump became a champion for the Silent Majority. He gave us a voice. And now the Silent Majority is silent no more.
We the People have decided that it’s time to drain the swamp.
It was a rejection of Barack Obama’s radical leadership and policies.
night of ’08, as my wife and I watched his victory speech in Grant Park,
Chicago, Illinois. As Jesse Jackson and
Oprah cried, my spirit grieved. While I
wanted to celebrate the first-ever black President in our country, I could
not. I felt as if a dark cloud was
moving over America. I feared what was
to come.
They said it would be a
repeat of election night 1980, and boy was it! The silent majority that Hillary Clinton called the "basket of deplorables" spoke up.
With the
Republicans winning the Presidency, the Senate, and the House, they will be
able to begin to undo the stamp of Barack Obama.
Pat Buchanan observed: “Few anticipated Tuesday morning what we would have today: a decapitated Democratic Party, with the Obamas and Clintons gone or going, Joe Biden with them, no national leader rising, and only the power of obstruction, of which the nation has had enough.”
Pat Buchanan observed: “Few anticipated Tuesday morning what we would have today: a decapitated Democratic Party, with the Obamas and Clintons gone or going, Joe Biden with them, no national leader rising, and only the power of obstruction, of which the nation has had enough.”
Charles Krauthammer said, “Obama’s legacy is toast.”
And what about the future? "[A] Donald Trump [administration is] going to be among the most extraordinary, creative, inventive, exciting periods in all of American political history," Newt Gingrich told Sean Hannity.
3. It pulled our country back from the cliff.
Tuesday night we stepped back from the cliff's edge. I am utterly thankful. Trump was certainly not my first choice for Presidential candidate, but I knew Clinton had to be defeated to save the country. I’m thankful that Hillary cannot select our Supreme Court Justices and continue the Obama-Clinton legacy. I'm so thankful my children and grandchildren won't suffer the consequences of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.
Cal Thomas correctly writes, The courts may be saved from secular progressives for years
to come and the Constitution respected again. That is victory by anyone's
definition. An added bonus is that Mr. Trump can use executive orders to
immediately reverse President Obama's executive orders, which he used to bypass
Congress. An even bigger bonus is that the Clintons have been swept out of
politics. Foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation will likely close their
checkbooks now that Hillary won't be able to do anything for them. All the pieces are now in place to yank
America back from the brink. This is an opportunity that comes along once in a
Our choices were a Jezebel or a Samson. If Hillary won, judgment was coming on the
country. If Trump was put it, then we would
have a reprieve to make corrections.
Tim Wildmon writes, the "presidential results have given us a reprieve for America. We were about to go over the cliff. The knock-out punch was about to be delivered to the America that our Founding Fathers handed to us."
Tim Wildmon writes, the "presidential results have given us a reprieve for America. We were about to go over the cliff. The knock-out punch was about to be delivered to the America that our Founding Fathers handed to us."
Tony Perkins echoes those observations, I must have missed the Christians' riots in 2012 when the most pro-abortion, faith-hostile president in history was reelected to a second term. Obviously, what we're seeing are the children of lawlessness, spawned by eight years of a lawless administration. Honestly, if God-fearing, Constitution-respecting voters hadn't intervened on Tuesday to stop Hillary Clinton, we would have continued down this reckless path -- which, as we're seeing, leads to all kinds of chaos.
It was a dynamic answer to lots of prayer.
The possibility
of Hillary Clinton becoming President and being able to cement the “change”
machine of Obama scared the church enough to make her pray for her nation like
never before.

The evangelical Christian vote turned out - and turned out in support of the Trump-Pence ticket. Now evangelicals need to pray earnestly for President-elect Trump and his team.
It is time for decisive action.
Recall what Democrats did when they won the White House, the Senate and House in 2008. They rammed through legislation that reflected their worldview. Trump should do the same, but without triumphalism. He must prove his policies work and can achieve the goals he has set: economic growth, more private-sector jobs, bringing corporations home from overseas with a lower corporate tax rate, and defeating the Islamic State. The only reason to have power is to use power. Democrats understand this. Too often timid Republicans don't. They must now use it, or they will lose it.
Yes, we have
an opportunity before us that comes perhaps once in a century.
David Lane writes that "anyone who thinks that Christians won anything other than an election last Tuesday is confused. This stunning 'miracle' offers us an opportunity to restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage and re-establish a Biblical-based culture-IF we will stay engaged. This opportunity likely will not come around again in our lifetime. Like a neon sign flashing high in the sky, the Obama Administration serves to remind us that departing from God’s fixed boundaries consistent with His moral character will bring judgment on a nation."
David Lane writes that "anyone who thinks that Christians won anything other than an election last Tuesday is confused. This stunning 'miracle' offers us an opportunity to restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage and re-establish a Biblical-based culture-IF we will stay engaged. This opportunity likely will not come around again in our lifetime. Like a neon sign flashing high in the sky, the Obama Administration serves to remind us that departing from God’s fixed boundaries consistent with His moral character will bring judgment on a nation."

And Todd Starnes of Fox News wrote in his commentary on Wednesday morning,
"Our long national nightmare is over and the Republic has been saved."
May God bless America.
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