Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How Skipping Church Affects our Children

One spiritual discipline that has fallen on hard times in the American church is that of regular church attendance.  Historically, Christians viewed Sunday as "the Lord's Day."  It was a day given over to worship, meeting with your church family, and resting from normal work.

I found the following article very helpful on this subject . . .       

"In a Q&A, Carl Trueman was asked about why churches today are losing their young people. Typical answers to this question range from things like the temptations of this world or the irrelevance of the church–your typical answers. But Trueman makes a keen and convicting connection between our parenting and apostasy.

'The church is losing its young people because the parents never taught their children that it was important. I think that applies across the board. It applies to family worship, and it also applies to whether you are in church every Sunday and what priority you demonstrate to your children church has on a Sunday. If the sun shines out and their friends are going to the beach, do you decide to skip church and go to the beach? In which case, you send signals to your children that it is not important.' (Carl Trueman)

Now we know that artificially taking your kids to church neither bestows salvation nor guarantees it. God is obviously not honored by external religious acts without heart worship. This type of legalism is not the subject of this discussion. This is about parenting and the weight of the responsibility behind how they prioritize their time and lifestyle choices for their families."

Read the entire article here at Truth with Love.

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