Monday, May 21, 2018

The War on Wisdom

Dennis Prager's wisdom and perspective needs to be heard and read by many people. I regularly appreciate his thoughts . . .

"There is more knowledge available today than ever before in history. But few would argue people are wiser than ever before.

On the contrary, many of us would argue that we are living in a particularly foolish time — a period that is largely wisdom-free, especially among those with the most knowledge: the best educated.

image used by permission from pixabay
The fact that one of our two major political parties is advocating lowering the voting age to 16 is a good example of the absence of wisdom among a large segment of the adult population. What adult deems 16-year-olds capable of making a wise voting decision? The answer is an adult with the wisdom of a 16-year-old — 'Hey, I’m no wiser than most 16-year-olds. Why should I have the vote and they not?' ”

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