Bloom Where We're Planted
I saw this great word on the Intouch Ministry site today. What a great reminder to endure difficulties together and bloom where we are planted . . .
In 2013, while Sunday school teachers at other churches taught
about the importance of being molded into the image of Christ, mine
spoke at length about an altogether different kind of mold. With spores
saturating the air throughout our building that year, First Baptist
Church of Lawrence, Kansas, put the “fun” in “fungi.”
“Did you know that Leviticus includes instructions for dealing with
mold?” our teacher asked, his eyes impish. “I think it would be
appropriate for us to do a church-wide study on chapter 14 in
He made this suggestion shortly after mold specialists began
subjecting our church to a major remediation that left much of the
building without ceiling panels or flooring for almost two years.
Appropriate indeed. During the process, our church probably repulsed
visitors. In the sanctuary, one could not escape the mottled concrete
subfloor, which looked like the surface of some pockmarked moon. In the
hallways, a sinister twist of wires, foil-covered insulation, and tubing
loomed above like something from the set of a sci-fi movie.
Read the entire article, "Unexpected Growth," by Chad Johnston here.
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