In my college
days, the music group TRUTH popularized a song called Living Life Upside Down. The
lyrics warned, What if we’ve fallen to
the bottom of a well thinking we’ve risen to the top of a mountain?
We’re there,
The most
recent indictment in our moral landslide is the Charlotte City Council passing
a much-contested ordinance that transgenders can use the bathroom of their
choice. In response, the North Carolina
governor quickly responded by signing a bill banning people from using public
restrooms other than their birth sex.
How about a
few facts? There are 808,676 registered
sex offenders in the USA. 16,709 of
those live in SC.
say that 0.3% of the United States population identify themselves as
transgender. The answer to this debate
is not to change basic bathroom dignity rules affecting the 99.7% of Americans
who identify with the sex of their birth anatomy given to them by their
Tony Perkins
of the Family Research Council aptly said, “This is where the Left leads us
when left unchecked by common sense: The privacy of women and children must be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
This reckless abandon of common sense threatens the safety and freedoms of
Americans from Seattle to Houston”
Laws that
allow individuals the right to use the facilities of the sex with which they
most identify provides legitimate safety concerns for a greater number of
people than the number of people whom the laws accommodate.
The threat
is not imagined or exaggerated. Any high school male claiming to be a female
for the day could enter the girls’ locker room at any time. Any group of males
choosing to identify as females for the day could enter women's facilities at
any time. No legal protection. No legal recourse.
Carolina Governor Pat McCrory summed it up well last week: “If you have the
anatomy of a man, you should not be allowed to use the women’s restroom,
shower, or locker room facility. It’s basic common sense. It’s etiquette of
privacy that we have had for decades. And it’s amazing that the nationally
politically-correct police have descended upon my state [North Carolina] and
unfairly smeared [NC]. This is a lot of media-elite hypocrisy. It’s demagoguery
at its worst.”
As McCrory
cited, the big business bullies showed their faces last week. Paypal, for example, cancelled their plans to
open a center in Charlotte. That, folks,
is called a corporate bully. And it is
called blatant hypocrisy.
Paypal, like
several corporations who have jumped on the bandwagon, does business in many
countries where transgenders, gays and lesbians face legal punishment. Paypal works in 25 countries where homosexual
behavior is illegal. In five of those
the penalty is death.
Yet North
Carolina wants to keep a man from going into the bathroom with my thirteen
year-old girl, and Paypal wants to not give Charlotte any business? Bruce Springsteen just cancelled a concert in
NC due to the new bathroom law.
the Governor and key lawmakers did not bow to pressure in spite of raging
opposition. Paypal and Bruce, don’t let the door hit you on your way out of
North Carolina.
wisely said, "Girls' bathrooms are for girls, boys' bathrooms are for
boys. The fact we are even debating this is a sad commentary on where we are as
a society.”
It is
indicative of a society that is living life upside down.
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