Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Gift of Prophecy

The Motivational Gift of Prophecy

Biblical Example: Peter


A prophet is one who knows his time and what God is trying to say to the people of his times. - Tozer


That special ability to see the influence of evil as did the Old Testament prophets and warn God’s people of its damage.  The prophet has a deep passion to defend God’s reputation, stand for issues and uses negative motivation.  - Elmer Towns

A fresh examination of the New Testament teaching on this gift will show that it should not be defined as “predicting the future,” nor as “proclaiming a word from the Lord,” nor as “powerful preaching” – but rather as ‘telling something that God has spontaneously brought to mind.’   - Wayne Grudem

The divine ability to read, hear, and understand what God says, confront individuals, and communicate that truth in a clear, compelling, and convicting way under God’s anointing.


How are the prophets to speak? (1 Cor. 14:3)  With edification, exhortation, and consolation

3 ways this gift is manifested . . .

1.      Preaching and teaching

2.      Spoken words of others (warnings, exhortations, consolations)

3.      In and through the ministry of intercession

Scripture warns about this gift:      

  1. Don’t despise it but carefully examine it and keep that which is good (1 Thess. 5:20-21).
  2. Test the spirit of prophets to see whether the words are from the Lord (1 Jn. 4:1).
  3. Respect, value, and desire this gift (particularly over tongues) – (1 Cor. 14:1,39).
  4. God can speak to a church and to unbelievers in the assembly through this gift (1 Cor. 14:23-25).



1.                  Speak forth truth: The need to express thoughts and ideas verbally, especially

concerning right and wrong

2.                  Tendency to make quick judgments.

3.                  Growing ability to identify character and motives and reject dishonesty or

manipulation (discernment) in their spirit

4.                  Desire to reject those who offend so justice will be done and others warned.

5.                  Genuine concern for the reputation of God and His work

6.                  Openness about personal faults and failures and honesty in referring to himself to others.

7.                  Tendency to impulsive action.

8.                  Painfully direct when confronting friends

9.                  Desire to give evidence of loyalty and total commitment

10.              Willingness to suffer for doing what is right

11.              Ability to be very persuasive in defining what is right and wrong.

12.              Sees things very black and white – no gray or indefinite.

13.              Believes the acceptance of difficulty will provide positive personal brokenness.

14.              Strict personal standards, opinions, and convictions.

15.              Strongly promotes spiritual growth of groups and individuals.

16.              Eager to see personal blind spots and help others see theirs.

17.              Strong dependence upon Scripture to validate their position

18.              Feels the need to verbalize or dramatize what he sees.

19.              Keen ability at times to hear from the Lord.




1.                  You will be misunderstood, and you must learn to handle that.

2.                  Your desire to proclaim the truth may be interpreted as disinterest in listening to another point of view.  Learn when to speak and when to not speak.

3.                  Your public boldness and strict standards may hurt personal relationships

4.                   Your frankness will many times be viewed as harshness.

5.                  Work on encouraging others, relating to people, and the value of small talk.

6.                  Work on understanding the difference between your opinions, feelings, and absolute truth.



1.    Corrects people who are not your responsibility.

2.       Jumping to conclusions about words, actions, and motives.

3.       Reinforces a condemning spirit. 

4.       Judging and exposing an offender rather than restoring.

5.       Point out problems but not see solutions.

6.       Cutting off a person who has failed.

7.       Dwelling on the negative rather than the positive.

8.       Lacking cautiousness and tactfulness in expressing opinions.

9.       Demands positive responses to harsh rebukes.

10.   Condemn themselves when they fail.

11.   Accuse others of deception if they don’t fully disclose all the facts.

12.   Tendency towards impulsive speech and actions

13.   Confuse the difference between absolute truth/personal convictions and personal convictions/personal preferences.

14.   Can seem intolerant of other people’s convictions and opinions on issues that are not absolute truths.

15.   Sharing too much of what God shares with you.


1.         Committed to truth                                                     Deception

2.         Obedient                                                                     Willful, their own way.  Dictator.

3.                  Sincerity (Real, genuine)                                             Hypocrisy

4.                  Virtue (commitment. to holiness)                               Defilement and sensuality

5.                  Boldness (to minister)                                                 Fear and Anxiety

6.         Forgiving                                                                     Rejection (as they reject you they

                                                                                          personally feel or struggle

                                                                                          with rejection)

7.           Persuasive                                                                    Domineering, Dictator, Argumentative


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