Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Healing from Spiritual Abuse

“God’s people don’t always act like God’s people should.” 

So writes Anne Graham Lotz in her book, Wounded by God's People, where she shares her own experiences of mistreatment by churches, pastors, and spiritual leaders. . . .

For twenty years, I've read literature about "spiritual abuse" and how Christians can heal and move forward positively when they experienced mistreatment from religious leaders. For anyone who experiences such abuse, there is hope and healing in Jesus! 

I have given away Ken Blue's book Healing from Spiritual Abuse probably several dozen times. Years ago, I gave a copy to a lady who had just left a church that had become toxic. She emailed me in a few days and told me that she had ordered ten more and given them all out!

Blue's book is very practical. One person told me as they read the book it was like reading a play-by-play account of what happened in their church.

Blue shares helpful insights, such as the "no-talk rule" that often occurs in an oppressive religious situation . . .

Read my entire article, Recovery from Spiritual Abuse, here.

Click here to sign up for my e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom. I also plan on starting a podcast later this year.

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