is a mocker, beer is a brawler; whoever goes astray because of them is not wise.”
Proverbs 20:1
“Moderation is not the cure for the liquor problem. Becoming an alcoholic does not begin with the last drink, it always begins with the first. Just leave it alone.” – Adrian Rogers

Our former across-the-street neighbor lives a fairly
miserable existence. A 50-year old alcoholic, he lives alone. His parents took
away his vehicle several years ago. Living on disability with no job, he
meticulously blows his driveway every morning – even in the winter – before
beginning his daily drinking. He walks to the local gas station twice a day,
coming home each time with a large case of beer.
As a pastor, I’ve witnessed numerous lives literally
shipwrecked by the devastation of alcohol. I’ve listened to parents grieve the
wasted mess of their alcoholic children’s lives. Never have I seen the use of
alcohol make a life better. Though the Bible never explicitly forbids the use
of alcohol, the Scriptures repeatedly speak of it with a negative context. Usually
the Bible gives a warning as in today’s passage.
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