Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Billy Graham Statue in U.S. Capitol to Be Unveiled Thursday


In 2013, Mr. Graham was named North Carolina’s “Favorite Son” by a unanimous vote of the state General Assembly. Then-Governor Pat McCrory signed House Bill 540 in to law in 2015, which decreed that a statue of Graham would be commissioned to represent North Carolina in the U.S. Capitol. “There have been many great North Carolinians, but few have impacted the world more than Billy Graham,” the House Bill said.

“The legacy of Rev. Billy Graham is based on his simple message of forgiveness based on John 3:16. His lifelong commitment to preaching the Gospel, his fight for civil rights, his opposition to communism, and his spiritual guidance provided hope to hundreds of millions,” said Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) who was part of the bipartisan effort. “His likeness should stand in the U.S. Capitol forever.”

Read the entire article at BGEA here.

Click here to view the ceremony live on Thursday, May 16.

Picture from BGEA

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