What He Does While We Wait

In our ministry to lost loved ones, in our marriage or
parenting, in our job or career, in our battle against sin, we may look back
and groan over how little progress we’ve made. We may wonder why God has held
us here, in this uncomfortable and unwanted place, for so long. If God
is for us, who can stand against us? sometimes slowly fades to If
God is for us, why does everything seem to stand against us? We know
what it’s like to work and wait — and then to have to keep waiting.
We can relate to the faithful remnant of Israel who were
brought back from exile. After all the wars they had been through, and then
decades more of subjection, God had finally and miraculously led them home to
Jerusalem. But just as soon as they had started rebuilding the temple, they
were horribly derailed again."
Read the wonderful insights from Marshal Segal here at Desiring God.
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