Best article I've read on Trump and the evangelical church. Cal Thomas called it BRILLIANT and a MUST READ . . .
the most inexplicable developments in this bizarre political year is
that Donald Trump is the candidate of choice of many evangelical
Trump won a plurality of evangelical votes in each of the last three
Republican contests, in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada. He won
the glowing endorsement of Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty
University, who has called him “one of the greatest visionaries of our
time.” Last week, Pat Robertson, the founder and chairman of the
Christian Broadcasting Network, told Mr. Trump during an interview, “You
inspire us all.”
this embrace strikes you as discordant, it should. This visionary and
inspiring man humiliated his first wife by conducting a very public
affair, chronically bullies and demeans people, and says he has never
asked God for forgiveness. His name is emblazoned on a casino that
features a strip club; he has discussed anal sex on the air with Howard
Stern and, after complimenting his daughter Ivanka’s figure, pointed out
that if she “weren’t my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her.” He
once supported partial-birth abortion and to this day praises Planned
Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. He is a narcissist
appealing to people whose faith declares that pride goes before a fall.
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