They were “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV). Thus the Bible says about the ancient men of Issachar.
When Donald
Trump ran for the Republican nomination in 2016, I grieved at first. What an
ungodly person! Over time, however, like many Christians I realized that in
unusual times God raises up unobvious heroes. The nation had descended for
several decades into ungodliness, lawlessness, and a rejection of what made us
great. More than three generations of purposeful indoctrination from Leftists
had almost destroyed the USA.
I wrote a
blog article then called Why a Southern Baptist Pastor Will Vote for the Unvirtuous Donald Trump. To my shock, in one month it was viewed more than 20,000 times. I compared Trump to an Old Testament Samson, not someone you’d
want your daughter to date. Samson had awful qualities, yet God raised him up
at dark time to deliver Israel from the
hand of the Philistines.
The Deep State, 100 years of big government, layers of corruption, the Democratic Party machine, and the Republican elites had created a mammoth of a problem. We didn’t need a nice, clean, choir boy. Not Huckabee, not Carson, not Cruz, not Walker. The Goliath in front of America’s freedom required a New York street fighter. A Samson, who didn’t mind busting up some Philistine heads and getting his hands dirty. Evil times call for strange means.
We’re just
beginning to see the uncovering of the massive depth of corruption. I expect
eventually all of us will be shocked.
Pastor Dutch Sheets, whom I’ve admired for thirty years, wisely states, “At this point in history, America did not need a statesman. And we certainly did not need a politician. Frankly . . . we did not need a peacemaker. We needed a “boat rocker,” a status quo wrecker, a business-as-usual interrupter. We are in the first part of Jeremiah 1:10; the second part is coming, but that will be a little slower: “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
Do I like
everything Donald Trump says? Do I like all of his actions and attitudes? Do I
like everything in his past? Of course not; that’s not why I voted for him. I
voted for a reformer. . . . I want someone who will stare down the propaganda
arm of the Democrat party, otherwise known as the mainstream media, and not be
intimidated. I want someone who will build a military that is an effective war
machine, not a woke machine. I want someone who will close our borders to all
immigration that is not legal; someone who will demand that our education
system teaches our children how to read; and someone who will stop the trans
madness. I want healed children, not butchered children, common sense above Ivy
League idiocy, and a Congress that can balance a checkbook.
Now that
America has seen what they are doing to our nation, and has elected a man with
backbone enough to resist it – and who also happens to be a person they tried
desperately to humiliate and destroy – the Left is terrified. They maligned his
character, turned our judicial system loose on him, “sicced” our FBI on him and
his followers, and defiled his home. Now, he is even more angry and determined;
their hypocritical cries for civility, kindness, and compromise are falling on
deaf ears.
progressive Left is also watching 50 years of antichrist secularization and
globalism dissolve, their media lose influence with the populous, and the
American people stand up and say, “Enough!” DEI is being dismantled, DOJ
employees and Inspectors General are being fired, lazy employees willing to
trade blind loyalty for a free ride have been served notice, and billions of
dollars are being pulled from worthless and ridiculous government programs. The
Left is angry and horrified. The nation they “changed” is being “reformed.” The
time will soon come when America needs builders, statesmen, and peacemakers. At
this time, however, we are in the demo stage. As we find the termites, mold,
leaks, and cracked foundations, we can repair, reconstitute, and restore. A
great revival is coming to fuel this process, also causing the desired changes
to align with God’s will and ways."
Read the entire article by Dutch Sheets here.
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Read The Left - The Greatest Threat to Freedom and America.