Thursday, August 19, 2021

8 Steps to Totalitarianism

 The following is my column for The Clinton Chronicle this week.

America, birthed in freedom, continues moving away from that shining virtue.

In his recent sermon on July 4th, “The Truth Shall Set You Free,” Pastor John MacArthur explained how a country can move from liberty to totalitarianism. Examining Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) and George Orwell’s 1984 (1948), he shares eight necessary elements. 

These two atheists of a former generation peered into the future and warned it would n
ot be long before America faced a new kind of slavery.  Not chattel slavery, when one person owns another, but instead, political slavery, when the state owns everybody. “Totalitarian rule, both of them say, is essentially the absolute political-social slavery of everyone. We have come to the place in American history where we hate chattel slavery. In fact we’ve created a massive movement, racial movement, now, based upon past chattel slavery. People rise to noble heights to condemn chattel slavery, while at the same time they are willingly becoming slaves of the state. And the end is exactly the same: Somebody owns you, and you give up your freedom,” MacArthur said.

So what are the eight steps? (MacArthur quotes in italics)

1. A national crisis. Saul Alinsky, whose disciples include Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, taught his students that creating crises is a necessary means to controlling society. The more severe the crisis, the more control the government gets, the more freedoms begin to disappear.

2. The collective is more important than the individual. Sounds like the Borg on Star Trek! Promoting groups of people is more important that your individual rights. We don’t care about your thoughts, free speech, or choices. Instead, we’ve got to stop global warming or protect the masses from a virus. You can’t say publicly you think marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman, because the advance of the LGBTQ agenda is more important than what you think. Don’t dare question if a biological male should be declared a woman if he feels like it. Don’t question if Donald Trump caused the January 6 event at The Capitol. Pay no attention to the facts – like police officers calmly removing barriers and holding doors open for people – and cameramen ready inside – just submit to the media’s narrative. The collective is what matters – and a few people are going to control the collective’s narrative. 

3. Mass psychosis. You need a mass psychosis, something that makes everybody afraid—like a plague, like a pandemic, like masks—that create a greater threat than the giving up of freedom. Keep up the deception so they continue to believe the lies, and you escalate control.

4. Control information. Control what people hear and you control what they believe. Tell the same lie emphatically enough, and society accepts the falsehood as reality. Censor what you don’t like. Those who do not submit to the narrative yet have big social media followings – ban them from the platforms. “Fact-check” whatever disagrees with the collective. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

5. Promote and legislate hedonism, which is the pursuit of physical pleasure at all cost. Turn loose all kinds of immorality everywhere. Create a situation of unhindered sexual lust. Let people be completely lost in pleasure, no boundaries on any kind of sexual behavior. Then they will value feelings more than truth.

6. Feed them mindless, accessible, irrelevant, distracting, nonstop entertainment. The word “amuse” literally means to not think. So technically an amusement park is somewhere we go to enjoy ourselves and not think much. Sadly, we have become a culture of amusement. People live in a world of fantasy and emotional stimulation rather than thought. They ignore the reality that truth does not care about your feelings.

7. Make drugs available to everyone because drugged – or drunken – people are harmless and easy to control.

8. Isolate people from each other. When you isolate them, you control the narrative. Why? You take them away from the examples of something different. If mainstream media pushes the narrative that the COVID vaccine saves mass lives, if enough people are isolated, they won’t hear anyone giving facts challenging the narrative. Remember America’s Frontline Doctors – an organization of physicians who challenge the pandemic narrative, who experienced dramatic recovery rates with patients who used hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin? After holding a press conference in front of the Supreme Court in 2020, Big Tech and social media dropped the hammer and tried to silence them. They just commemorated the one-year anniversary with a White Coats Summit of physicians in San Antonio, Texas.

What is the biggest threat to totalitarianism? Some authority other than the government. Totalitarian control is useless when confronted with these things: individual liberties, truth and facts, and God and religion. That’s why in every totalitarian movement, they suppress those three things.

And, MacArthur warns, Here we are, so nobly upset about the freedom that was taken away from slaves in the past, while at the same time—dumbed down, stupidly, mindlessly, lustfully—we give up all our freedoms and become slaves of the state, and the end is exactly the same.

Image courtesy of Pixabay.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Debunking the 1619 Project? Is America Fundamentally Racist?


Watch historian David Barton tell amazing stories about the role of black Patriots, evangelists, and leaders in early American history - as well as 8 talking points as to why America is not systemically racits.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Freedom to Totalitarianism in 8 Steps


America, birthed in freedom, continues moving away from that shining virtue.

Pastor John MacArthur explains how a country can move from liberty to totalitarian rule in 8 steps. The following is a portion
of his sermon's introduction on July 4, 2021, "The Truth Shall Set You Free."

"Back in 1932 a devout atheist by the name of Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New WorldBrave New World was a dystopian novel that looked at the future and assumed that it wouldn’t be very long before the West was completely captive to totalitarianism—that is rule by a dominant force, where you have only two classes: the ruling class and all the people who are subjected to them. In Brave New World, he portrayed what life would be like.

It was about seventeen years later that George Orwell, another devout atheist, wrote 1984, another dystopian novel that looked at the future. And just examining those recently in my own thoughts, I drew out of those two pictures of totalitarianism in the future of the West, what are pretty amazing, prescient insights from a couple of atheists. Totalitarian rule, both of them say, is essentially the absolute political-social slavery of everyone. We are used to what is called chattel slavery. C-H-A-T-T-E-L. Chattel slavery is when one person owns another person; political slavery is when the state owns everybody—but the effect on the individual is identical. We have come to the place in American history where we hate chattel slavery. In fact we’ve created a massive movement, racial movement, now, based upon past chattel slavery. People rise to noble heights to condemn chattel slavery, while at the same time they are willingly becoming slaves of the state. And the end is exactly the same: Somebody owns you, and you give up your freedom.

Now what elements of society and politics produce this willing kind of state slavery? Drawing from both Orwell and Huxley, this is what they say totalitarianism would look like. Here are the necessary elements. One: a crisis. A crisis puts freedom in danger because a crisis elevates government control. And the more severe the crisis, and the more control the government gets, the more freedoms begin to disappear.

Secondly, the collective is more important than the individual. The greater good is the good of society, not your good. “We don’t care what you want or what you think, we’ve got to stop global warming. We don’t care what your freedoms are, the things that you desire and you want, you can’t say that; you can’t believe that; you can’t do that.” Because the collective is far more important than the individual. “The advance of the LGBTQ is far more important on the social side for the good of society than anything you think about that.” So the collective dominates the individual. Everybody is forced into the collective.

Thirdly, you need a mass psychosis. You need a mass psychosis, something that makes everybody afraid—like a plague, like a pandemic, like masks—that create a greater threat than the giving up of freedom. People rushed into giving up their freedoms when there was a threat that created a mass psychosis. Keep up the deception so they continue to believe the lies, and you escalate control.

Number four: Control information. Control what people hear, what they therefore believe. And the way to control information is the following: Create confusion, send out all kinds of diverse signals so that nothing is really clear. So you’re creating a kind of acceptable irrationality, a kind of madness. Censor what you don’t want; control people by technology and media.

Number five—and this is a dominant feature of both of these novels: hedonism. Turn loose all kinds of immorality everywhere. Create a situation of unhindered sexual lust. Let people be completely lost in pleasure, no boundaries on any kind of sexual behavior. Fill the culture with pornography, because as long as they are unhindered in their sexual lusts, as long as they are lost in hedonistic pleasure, they’re not thinking.

Number six: Feed them mindless, accessible, irrelevant, distracting, nonstop entertainment—so they live in a world of fantasy and emotional stimulation rather than thought. Number seven: Make drugs available to everyone because drugged people, or drunk people, are harmless. And number eight—this is critical: If you want to take over an entire population, isolate them from each other—because when you isolate them from each other, you control the narrative. You take them away from the examples of something different. That is what atheists came up with as the pathway to dystopian totalitarianism, in which people distracted, dumbed-down, drugged, give up their freedoms.

Now what is the biggest threat to this? The biggest threat to this is pretty simple: Some other authority than the government. And by the way, don’t look to politicians to fix this; they’re the problem. They’re the powerful; they’re not going to fix this. One non-politician tried to fix it, but he couldn’t get any help from all the politicians. You can’t turn to them to fix it, they’re the powerful; they’re the elite, power-hungry people who just want more power.

What is the threat to them? Another authority—in fact, another authority that is a greater authority, that is a transcendent authority, that is an eternal authority, and that has revealed Himself clearly on the pages of Holy Scripture. So who is their greatest enemy? God. What is the book that they most fear? The Bible.

I don’t know what freedom in this Western culture in the future looks like. But I see all of this shaping up—and this is from, as I said, back in 1930 to 1940s. But we certainly have managed to check off all the boxes—right?—to create totalitarianism. And here we are, so nobly upset about the freedom that was taken away from slaves in the past, while at the same time—dumbed down, stupidly, mindlessly, lustfully—we give up all our freedoms and become slaves of the state, and the end is exactly the same."

Read or hear the entire sermon here at Grace to You.

Image courtesy of Pexels and Pixabay.



COVID-Vaccine Information: Alternative views

There’s plenty of material on mainstream news outlets in favor of the vaccine. However, in a day marked by misinformation and propaganda, and
a push towards a totalitarian government, it’s wise to look at various sides, not take everything at face value, and try and discern when there is a “wizard behind the curtain” – even when people are saying in loud, terrible voices, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”

Many people settle for one-minute soundbites, memes, or slogans. I want to dig deeper. We need to learn to do our own hunting - and when we find the chicken, chew up the meat and spit out the bones. Here is just a sampling of material from people who have legitimate concerns about the vaccine, its safety, its origins, and the motive some of the originators.

The following flyer was from the “You call the Shots” seminar put on by Texas Doctors &

9 Key Facts About Covid Vaccines:

Page 1                        Page 2

Page 3                        Page 4


See David Lane's Our Permanent Pandemic?!

 And Lane’s The Corona Scandal

See Tucker Carlson's Why Are Thousands Dying from Covid Vaccine?

“More people have died in four months from the current COVID vaccine than the number from all other vaccination deaths combined from mid-1997 to the end of 2013 (15 ½ years).” – according to VAERS. (from Carlson)


And probably the most disturbing, intellectual David Martin discusses the history of the patent information on what is commonly called the COVID vaccine. If his information is accurate, we are indeed living in what some people call the greatest crime against humanity in history.

"Under 35 U.S.C.101 Nature is Prohibited from Being Patented. Either the SARS COVID Virus was manufactured therefore making a patent on it legal or it was natural therefore making a patent on it illegal. If it was manufactured it was a violation of chemical and biological weapons treaties and laws. If it was natural filing a patent on it was illegal. In either outcome, both are illegal. In the spring of 2007 the CDC filed a petition with the patent office to keep their patent application confidential and private. They actually filed patents not only on the virus but on its detection and a kit to measure it." - Dr. David Martin

The Epoch Times reports how the CDC admits last year’s COVID test could not tell the difference between flu and COVID.

And see Rich Welsh’s CDC Silently Revokes Test Emergency Use Authorization Because it Combined COVID and Flu


Why States Should Tune Out Washington’s COVID-19 Noise


VAXX Misinformation Leads Kids Directly Into Danger, Hospitalization, Death

BREAKING!!! April 25th 2003 the CDC Filed for a Patent on the Coronavirus Transmitted to Humans

Doug talks with Karen Kingston about COVID vaccines.      

Dr. David Martin talks COVID Fact and Fiction



Dave Ramsey: I'm Getting Fired If I Don't Get The COVID-19 Vaccine!

Also, see, What Does the MRNA Vaccine Do?

And Rand Paul responds to Delta Variant hysteria.

Hear or read Pastor John MacArthur’s sermon from July 4th, 2021, called The Truth Shall Set You Free. He masterfully explains the 8 steps George Orwell and Aldous Huxley predicted for moving a country from freedom to totalitarianism – and how all 8 are happening today.

Image courtesy of Pexels and Wikimedia Commons.


The Church’s Lane is the Whole Cosmos

"Recently, a denominational leader said to me that the best thing that the Church could do to handle the challenges of this cultural moment would be to 'stay in its lane.' That the so-called 'culture wars' have been grueling, and the Church is
primarily called to spread the Gospel. That when it comes to the most controversial issues, the best strategy is non-confrontation and to focus on what is most important

I think I know what he meant. There’s certainly truth to the idea that Christians overemphasize politics. As I’ve said on more than one occasion, politics makes a lousy worldview. In a culture without better answers to life’s biggest questions, politics too easily assumes the place of God, determining everything from our values to our sources of truth to who we’re willing to associate with. When Christians embrace a political identity rather than a Kingdom identity, the riches of Christ are exchanged for the porridge of political gamesmanship. 

However, telling the Church to just 'stay in our lane' and out of politics is an equally unhelpful answer. Typically, the 'stay in your lane' mandate is only applied to unpopular issues, like abortion, marriage and family, or religious freedom. No one ever tells the Church to stop fighting against sex trafficking, or to no longer dig wells for communities without fresh water, or to cease sustainable economic development in impoverished nations. Christians should absolutely engage worthy causes because the Lordship of Christ and the implications of the Gospel demand it, not because they are deemed culturally uncontroversial. 

Read the entire article by John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander here at BreakPoint.

Image courtesy of Pexels.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Why Are So Many Good Things Being Destroyed?


Why States Should Tune Out Washington’s COVID-19 Noise



1. The federal government continues to offer garbled COVID-19 messages that undermine its credibility and sow confusion about the pandemic.

2. The CDC made repeated errors in judgment [and] issued policies that were often unclear, misguided, and not evidence-based.

3. Instead of smearing unvaccinated people as menaces to society, states can stress that vaccines protect individuals against the worst consequences of COVID-19.

Read the entire article by Doug Badger here at The Heritage Foundation.

Image courtesy of Pexels.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

We were here when medical science lost its mind


One day, when sanity returns to the world, we will be able to tell a future generation, “We were here when science lost touch with reality. We were here when the medical profession lost its mind. We were here when feelings
displaced biology.”

Yes, we will get to tell the shocking story unless, of course, our society completely falls apart and self-destructs. Otherwise, we will get to bear witness to these days of societal madness and insanity. . . .

“The ideology seems to be that biology really isn’t as important as how somebody feels about themselves, or feels their sex to be,’ Hooven told ‘Fox & Friends’ Wednesday [July 28]. ‘The facts are that there are in fact two sexes — there are male and female — and those sexes are designated by the kind of gametes we produce.”

Read the entire article by Michael Brown here at The Christian Post.

Image courtesy of Pexels.

2 keys to the recent growth of the rural church



"Planting and leading a church in a rural context first requires an understanding of the community. If we enter these close-knit, deeply rooted communities with an air of pride or arrogance, we will most likely fail. . . .

One life at a time, we are sensing a genuine Gospel optimism for small-town renewal.

When churches are planted with an understanding of the community around them, and leadership models are built around honoring the community and integrating it with the life of faith, no one knows all that God might do. What we do know is that God wants to do much, and He is opening wide the doors into rural areas."

Read the entire article by David Pinckney here at The Christian Post.

Image courtesy of Pixabay.

The Left Has A Pedophilia Problem, And It’s Out In The Open


"Like many others, I have fond memories of my childhood. Whether I was marching in an Independence Day Parade, binge-watching the Power Rangers, or making gingerbread men for Christmas with my family, I had the chance to enjoy a childhood that preserved my innocence, an innocence that is unique to children and that, once lost, doesn’t return. 

A subset of children growing up today will likely recall certain aspects of their childhood very differently. The left has, with a startling degree of success, endeavored to reshape our society by embedding their beliefs within the experience of childhood, overshadowing 4th of July parades with Pride parades, implanting LGBT propaganda in children’s shows, and supplanting gingerbread men with the 'genderbread person.'

In isolation, any of these specific incidences would be unsettling, to say the least, but by viewing them in the larger context one reaches a conclusion that is just as unconscionable as it is unavoidable. It isn’t just that controversial beliefs are being thrust into childhood experiences, but that the natural curiosity, openness, and naivety that is the inherent disposition of youth is being hijacked to normalize a divergent sexual ethic." 

Read the entire article by Spencer Lindquist here at The Federalist.

Image courtesy of Pexels.