Thursday, August 5, 2021

COVID-Vaccine Information: Alternative views

There’s plenty of material on mainstream news outlets in favor of the vaccine. However, in a day marked by misinformation and propaganda, and
a push towards a totalitarian government, it’s wise to look at various sides, not take everything at face value, and try and discern when there is a “wizard behind the curtain” – even when people are saying in loud, terrible voices, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”

Many people settle for one-minute soundbites, memes, or slogans. I want to dig deeper. We need to learn to do our own hunting - and when we find the chicken, chew up the meat and spit out the bones. Here is just a sampling of material from people who have legitimate concerns about the vaccine, its safety, its origins, and the motive some of the originators.

The following flyer was from the “You call the Shots” seminar put on by Texas Doctors &

9 Key Facts About Covid Vaccines:

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See David Lane's Our Permanent Pandemic?!

 And Lane’s The Corona Scandal

See Tucker Carlson's Why Are Thousands Dying from Covid Vaccine?

“More people have died in four months from the current COVID vaccine than the number from all other vaccination deaths combined from mid-1997 to the end of 2013 (15 ½ years).” – according to VAERS. (from Carlson)


And probably the most disturbing, intellectual David Martin discusses the history of the patent information on what is commonly called the COVID vaccine. If his information is accurate, we are indeed living in what some people call the greatest crime against humanity in history.

"Under 35 U.S.C.101 Nature is Prohibited from Being Patented. Either the SARS COVID Virus was manufactured therefore making a patent on it legal or it was natural therefore making a patent on it illegal. If it was manufactured it was a violation of chemical and biological weapons treaties and laws. If it was natural filing a patent on it was illegal. In either outcome, both are illegal. In the spring of 2007 the CDC filed a petition with the patent office to keep their patent application confidential and private. They actually filed patents not only on the virus but on its detection and a kit to measure it." - Dr. David Martin

The Epoch Times reports how the CDC admits last year’s COVID test could not tell the difference between flu and COVID.

And see Rich Welsh’s CDC Silently Revokes Test Emergency Use Authorization Because it Combined COVID and Flu


Why States Should Tune Out Washington’s COVID-19 Noise


VAXX Misinformation Leads Kids Directly Into Danger, Hospitalization, Death

BREAKING!!! April 25th 2003 the CDC Filed for a Patent on the Coronavirus Transmitted to Humans

Doug talks with Karen Kingston about COVID vaccines.      

Dr. David Martin talks COVID Fact and Fiction



Dave Ramsey: I'm Getting Fired If I Don't Get The COVID-19 Vaccine!

Also, see, What Does the MRNA Vaccine Do?

And Rand Paul responds to Delta Variant hysteria.

Hear or read Pastor John MacArthur’s sermon from July 4th, 2021, called The Truth Shall Set You Free. He masterfully explains the 8 steps George Orwell and Aldous Huxley predicted for moving a country from freedom to totalitarianism – and how all 8 are happening today.

Image courtesy of Pexels and Wikimedia Commons.


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