Friday, November 1, 2024

Why an Evangelical Pastor Will Vote for Donald Trump in 2024


America's future is certainly in the balance.

In 2016, an article I wrote, Why a Southern Baptist Pastor Will Vote for the Unvirtuous Donald Trump, received over 20,000 hits in one month. Various people contacted me and said, "I was on the fence, wondering if I as a serious Christian could actually vote for Donald Trump - even though I knew I couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton."

Eight years later, here we are again at a crossroads. An all-out smear campa
ign was leveled against President Trump from the day he entered office in 2017. We've seen false accusation after false accusation, including massive collusion between the Deep State, the Democratic elites, and  government agencies.

In 2020, we were slammed with event after event with massive implications. It didn't take long, however, for many people to realize we were being played. There were too many stories given to us by the legacy media, echoed by the elites - whether that be in D.C. or Hollywood - and wondering if we were moving into full-forced Orwellian days. Somewhere, there was a loud voice like Oz the Great and Powerful saying, "Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain."

I wrote the article, 7 Lies Americans are Believing, in 2020. Within 30 days, it had been viewed more than 40,000 times. African American Thomas Sowell, American economist and Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institute, said, "Deception is one of the quickest ways to gain little things and lose big things.” 

Deception has become billion-dollar business. We live in days of corruption, where many of the basic institutions and organizations we should be able to trust have betrayed us. 

Leftism - America's Greatest Threat

The last four years, we've lived through several significant events – civilization changing events – that leave millions of Americans with more questions than answers. We don’t trust the full narrative from parts of the legacy media. And we’ve realized much of traditional legacy media props up the agenda and narrative of the Left.

And, in case you're in the dark, just to be clear, the Left thrives off of deception. It has historically, with past miserable movements like Stalin's Russia, Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Nazi Germany, - or the present trajectory of the Leftists who have taken over America's Democratic Party.

American politics the past 100+ years primarily had conservatives and liberals. Both groups loved America, generally showed respect to other people, championed free speech, loved religion, and believed in God and country. Today, we have a whole new breed, however, of Leftists who are aggressively trying to takeover the nation.

Dennis Prager writes, Prager writes, “In a nutshell, liberals build; conservatives build; leftists destroy.”

Today the Left is the single biggest threat to America, religion, and freedom.

And that is why I will gladly vote - for a third time - for Donald Trump to be my next President.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich does an excellent job explaining how Karl Marx’s destructive philosophies have slowly but steadily become a serious threat to the United States. See his article Three Generations of Brainwashing are Paying Off for the Left.

The hard Left that embrace Marx’s ideology gradually took over much of the academic world, and students who had been taught systematic falsehoods then took those falsehoods into their jobs. Reagan again said, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

David Lane writes, “There are very real consequences to having allowed secularists - those in rebellion against God - to imbue the minds of America’s youth with their profane propaganda for the last 75 years.”

Some voices claim 
we should feel guilty for supporting Donald Trump. Democratic leaders have called people like me "deplorable" and "garbage." They call Trump "Hitler." It's interesting how the man who has done the most in recent years to return America to oppose a totalitarian state is the one they label a dictator. He has terrified the Deep State for eight years.

Though one candidate and one party cannot fix all of our problems nor usher in any kind of utopia, they can move the needle towards good or toward evil

Yet it's estimated that 51 million evangelicals may sit out this election because they feel they can't vote for either candidate. My friend and former colleague Lee Weeks writes, "“Not voting in order to ‘keep our hands clean’ is a form of pietism, not Christianity. [The Book of] James is clear that if there is good that we can do, we should. To not do the good we can, is sin.”

Here are seven specific reasons I will gladly vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election:

1. It's the Economy

The Biden-Harris years devastated the American economy. Prices have skyrocketed and middle class families are struggling. Under President Trump, American experienced the greatest economy in decades. Donald Trump is primarily a businessman, not a career politician. He understands how to build things and what is needed to make prosperity happen.

This includes unleashing American energy again. Under Trump, American became the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. One of President Biden's first acts was to stop the Keystone Pipeline from completion. On November 5, 2020, mortgage rates were 2.75% and gas was $1.80.

No, the economy is not everything. But as I wrote in another article, when your house is on fire, you have to do something about it or lose the house.

2. The RNC Platform

A person who votes for a candidate simply because of liking or not liking that particular candidate is actually voting immaturely. I'm not voting for someone to be my grandfather, Sunday School teacher, civic club president, pastor of a church, nor president of a Bible college. I'm voting for someone to lead this country. We must practice discernment.

Each party releases a platform - about a thirty page document outlining their agenda. 70-80% of a time, candidates stick to their party's platform once elected. The 2024 RNC Platform is a welcome change, with such promises as the following (the actual platform includes twenty commitments):

Seal the border

End inflation

Make America the dominant energy producer in the world

End the weaponization of government

Make our military the world's strongest

Large tax cuts for workers

Cancel the electric vehicle mandate

Cut funding for schools pushing radical gender ideology

Keep men out of women's sports

3. The Border and the Migrant Invasion

I can explain to a nine-year old why, if he builds a fort in his backyard and plays "war" with his friends, he must secure and defend his fort. The Bible is clear that borders are good and worth protecting.

The insanity of allowing the massive amount of illegals to enter our country in the past four years is mind-blowing. With open borders comes an easy influx of illegal substances, like fentanyl from drug cartels and other countries, criminal gangs, and people who hate America who are specifically sent here to cause destruction.

America has always welcomed immigrants who come legally. We should return to that stance.

4. Renewing the Pillars of American Exceptionalism

Donald Trump and the RNC understand the things that made America the greatest nation in the world. This includes the following areas:

Rebuild cities and restore law and order

Replenish police departments and restore common sense policing

Care for veterans

Combat antisemitism

Honor American history and patriotism

Restore American beauty and our national treasures

5. Government of, by and for the People

Leftism always works to create a "Big Brother" government, where the government tells everyone else what to do. In recent years, we've witnessed an incredible overreach of governmental power, including using the government's agencies to punish those with whom those in power disagree. 

The RNC understands that parents and the family are the primary caretakers, influencers, and decision-makers for their children. Unlike some Democrat-run agendas, like California and Walz's Minnesota, children who want to transition to another gender can be taken away from their parents if the parents challenge the transition.

Here are just a few of the commitments from the RNC for stopping the Left's radical plan to weaponize government:

Stop the out of control "wokeness" in government and its weaponization

Dismantle censorship and protect free speech

Defend religious liberty

Oppose late term abortions

End left-wing gender insanity

Ensure election integrity

Support schools that focus on excellence and parental rights (not woke ideology)

Promote universal school choice

Teach fundamentals, not Leftwing propaganda in schools

Oppose dangerous, anti-Christian and anti-American ideologies like Critical Race Theory.

In 2020, Albert Mohler wrote, "In the protection of liberty, religious liberty is fundamental. President Trump has corrected many of the infringements on religious liberty caused by the policy mandates of previous administrations. He has made religious liberty an American priority at home and abroad. Under his administration, the Department of Justice and the Attorney General have defended religious liberty. President Trump even extended conscience protection to those whose worldviews are not explicitly religious."

6. Standing for Moral and Spiritual Values

In recent years, politics has moved from the arena of policies to the arena of moral and spiritual values. For decades, both the Democratic and Republican parties shared the same basic worldview. Today, those worldviews are radically different.

As Pastor Rusty Guenther writes, three influences pressing in to our society - including influencing the church and family - that matte are as follows. These are not "political" issues - they are moral and spiritual:

Secular humanism

Marxism in the state

The LGBTQ woke agenda

The Democratic Party has caved to each of these outside agendas. If the Leftists have their way, there will be a continued radical transformation of America until America is no longer recognizable.

7. A Return to Common Sense

The Left ignores common sense. The same people who claim "follow the science" completely ignore the science when it comes to defining gender. Biden's Supreme Court nominee could not even answer what a woman is. Whether it comes to the borders of our nation, how to handle illegal immigration, tax cuts, building a strong economy to elevate people out of poverty, or protecting and restoring the rights of parents, keeping men out of women's sports, America desperately needs a return to common sense.

I care too much about biblical values, our American heritage, the future of our country, and the legacy I will leave to my children, grandchildren, and future generations, to not vote in this election for President Donald Trump.

See my article, Biblical Values, Politics, and Voting

And see Voting for a Platform, Not a Person

See Christian Nationalism, Evangelicals, and the Left

Sign up for Rhett’s e-newsletter, Faith, Family, and Freedom here

Images used courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels

Painting courtesy of Matthew McGahee

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