This young
couple embodied the hopes of their generation yet were as fake and corrupt as a
three-dollar bill.
Byrne began
working in the White House during the Bush, Sr., administration. When the Clintons moved in, the spirit of the
house dramatically shifted. A spirit of
honor, respect, and decorum left and was replaced by a team that disregarded rules,
busted budgets, and had a “helter-skelter approach” that had “deadly
Byrne and
other officers traveled to Arkansas in 1992 to meet with Arkansas law
enforcement as the Clintons prepared to move to the White House. One sheriff told Byrne, “Everything – everything they say about them is
true. The Clintons are ruthless. And [the media] don’t even know the half of
Byrne was
often assigned to stand guard at the door of the Oval Office. He and other officers would at times be
assigned on patrol to follow Bill or Hillary.
Byrne shares numerous examples of their erratic, psychotic behavior, as
well as many instances that caused him to question their integrity and
following is just a sampling of his thoughts about the First Lady:
· She threw massive tantrums, which
worsened as Bill’s tenure lengthened.
· There was a huge gap between the
public Hillary and the “real” one.
· “Hillary’s behavior never surprised
me – I never let it surprise me.”
· Hillary was “always calculating. . .
. Her private leadership style was based
on pure fear and loathing – and I never saw her turn that off. Even in the president’s presence, Mrs. Clinton
operated at far greater than arm’s length – a cheerless grafter always on her
scheming way to someone or something else more important than the person
directly in front of her.” Unable to
relax or have real relationships, she “was
always wound up, an unhappy captive of her own sense of mission.”
· Privately, the Clintons showed no
affection, no connection, and no physical contact. They habitually had loud screaming matches in
the private quarters, heard by many workers in the White House. The workers learned to just ignore them and
not talk about them. Byrne even
describes one day when Hillary destroyed a blue vase by throwing it across the
room at Bill and giving him a black eye.
When the camera turned on or a “fat-cat donor” showed up, however, “ice
suddenly melted”: “they could flip that emotional
light switch whenever they had to, then switch it back off again when the
crowds and cameras departed. It was all a
business for them: Clinton, Inc."
· Byrne says he never even saw the
First Couple hold hands without cameras present: “Once in the spotlight, they
were warm. But that was a lie. Portraying the Clintons as a warm,
middle-class family was a calculated marketing ploy, more political theater. .
. . The president and Mrs. Clinton were
purely business partners.”
· For all of their repeated scandals, “they
blamed everybody except themselves.”
· Mrs. Clinton would “berate anyone.” She showed much contempt for the SS agents, occasionally cursing at them.
contrasts the way the Bushes treated the SS agents with the way of the
Clintons. The Bushes treated them with
love and respect. But to the Clintons, “we
were like furniture to them.”
Byrne describes Bill as “secretive, corrupt, and a womanizer.”
Byrne shares
in detail his part of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, including having to secretly
dispose of lipstick and semen-stained White House towels. He believes the famous “blue dress” actually saved
his life. When the affair went to court,
Byrne was subpoenaed to testify. He had
first-hand knowledge of the extent of contact between the President and Ms. Lewinsky. Byrne believes the Clintons would have had
him killed before testifying if the blue dress had not surfaced.
He writes that
Lewinsky was young, inexperienced, and immature. The Clintons weren’t: “They were just immensely arrogant.”
Byrne writes
about the many girlfriends the President had in and out of the White House: “We
wondered how he got any work done and joked that he would have been better at
running a brothel in a red-light district than the White House.”
As has
surfaced in Hillary’s recent Presidential Campaign, Byrne writes that the “Clinton
pattern was deny-deny-deny. Behind the
scenes, the Clinton Machine slut-shamed accusers, impugned their integrity, and
supposedly even paid them off and intimated them.”
Byrne wrote
Crisis of Character to warn our nation that Hillary Clinton should not be
trusted with the power that accompanies the President of the United States.
I literally
read the book in one sitting. I spent
three hours one Friday night devouring it.
I could not put it down.
Reading his book, I was reminded that Byrne is not a professional writer but a security officer. The writing is not of exceptional quality. It reads more like sitting across the table from someone at lunch and listening to them tell you stories from work. It's not polished and polite, but it is highly informative into the Clinton scandals.
Reading his book, I was reminded that Byrne is not a professional writer but a security officer. The writing is not of exceptional quality. It reads more like sitting across the table from someone at lunch and listening to them tell you stories from work. It's not polished and polite, but it is highly informative into the Clinton scandals.
Read this
book – and then pass it on to someone else.
Disclaimer - the book contains a fair amount of profanity. Just warning you!
Also, watch Sean Hannity interview Gary Byrne:
Disclaimer - the book contains a fair amount of profanity. Just warning you!
Also, watch Sean Hannity interview Gary Byrne:
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