A. W. Tozer, prolific author and pastor, influenced countless Christians through his ministry of preaching and writing. Today, years after his death, his influence remains. In his book Of God and Men, Tozer shares how badly the "word of wisdom" is needed today in our pulpits.

we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers
with a gift of prophecy. The word of
wisdom is missing. We need the gift of
discernment again in our pulpits. It is
not ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of
spiritual penetration and interpretation, the ability to appraise the religious
scene as viewed from God’s position, and to tell us what is actually going on.
is the man who can see through the ticker tape and confetti to discover which
way the parade is headed, why it started in the first place, and particularly,
who is riding up front in the seat of honor?
The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting.
kind of religious leader must arise among us.
He must be of the old prophetic type, a man who has seen visions of God
and has heard a voice from the Throne.
When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many) he will
stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization
holds dear. He will contradict, denounce
and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a
large segment of Christendom. Such a man
is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the
world. He will love Christ and the souls
of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the one and the
salvation of the other. But he will fear
nothing that breaths with mortal breath."
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