Monday, November 26, 2012

The Motivational Gift of Mercy

Biblical Example: John

Mercy-givers are builders of bridges and menders of breaches. 


The Spirit-given motivation and ability to cheerfully suffer the hurts of others, enabling you to minister to them in their time of need.

The verb means “to pity, commiserate, have compassion on, show grace favor to”

The mercy-giver does not just have the stirring of emotions but has deep-down, supernatural, God-given compassion.  Divine love by god’s Spirit in Christ’s name, glorifying the Father.


The Gift of Mercy

Feels pity:       the mercy-giver does not just have the stirring of emotions but has deep-down,

supernatural, God-given compassion.  Divine love by god’s Spirit in Christ’s name, glorifying the Father.

Involves deeds:           Jm. 2:15-16; Ac. 2:44-45; 9:36; 16:33-34; 2 Tim. 1:16-17

Requires cheerfulness:  Ro. 12:8

Strengthens many:     the extent of their ministry is unlimited because of the vast needs of God’s people.


How does this gift differ from the gift of helps/service?  Helps is directed toward relieving a Christian worker of a temporal service so they can concentrate on other things.  Mercy is directed toward one in distress (a shut-in, the handicapped, the ill, the hungry, hurting).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     etc.).

Other facts on the gift of mercy

Personal must learn to be tough on the outside because they are tender on the inside.

Probably 30% of believers have this gift.
Sympathy says, I’m sorry you hurt.  Empathy says, I’m sorry you hurt, and I hurt with you.  Mercy says, I’m sorry you hurt, and I’m going to stay right here with you until the hurt is gone.
Mercy may be drawn to prophecy in marriage.

Can be hurt more than any other person because of their tenderness.



1.               An ability to feel an atmosphere of joy or distress in an individual or a group.

Discern where people are emotionally.

2.         A tendency to attract people who are having mental and emotional distress.

            People gravitate to them, not prophets.

            Able to project themselves to the hurting.

            One of God’s gifts of cheerfulness and joy to the body.  They can weep with others.

3.         A desire to remove the causes of hurts rather than to look for benefits from them.

Exhortation says, “Let them hurt.  God is at work.”  Mercy, once they see God’s plan, can back off but not without hurting for them.  1 Jn. 3:11,15

4.         A greater concern over mental joy or distress than physical concerns. 

5.         A sensitivity to words and actions that will help others.

            In the flesh they react harshly.

6.         Tendencies to react harshly when close friends are rejected.

            Remember: very sensitive.

7.         An ability to sense genuine love.  A greater vulnerability to deeper and more frequent hurts.  Mercy is injured more easily.  They want to sense your protective care.

8.         A need for genuine friendships in which there is mutual commitment.

9.         A need to measure acceptance by physical closeness and quality time together.

10.       An enjoyment and unity with those who are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

11.       A tendency to be attracted to those with the spiritual gift of prophecy.

12.       A tendency to avoid decisions and firmness unless they will eliminate greater hurts.

13.       A closing of their spirit to those they deem as insincere or insensitive.

14.       Serve in difficult or unsightly circumstances and do so cheerfully.

15.       Concern themselves with individuals or social issues that oppress people.



1.               Failing to be firm and decisive when necessary.

2.               Taking up offenses for those who have been hurt.

3.               Basing decisions on emotions rather than on principle.

4.               Promoting improper affections from those of the opposite sex.

5.               Cutting off friendships when they feel others have been insensitive.

6.               Becoming stubborn and vindictive when they feel rejected.

7.               Reacting to God’s purposes in allowing people to suffer.

8.               Sympathizing with those who are violating God’s standards.

9.               Establishing possessive friendships with others.

Biblical references of John the Beloved
His name means “whom Jehovah loves”
John was in the circle of intimacy (Mk. 5:37; 9:2; Mt. 26:37; Lk. 22:8)
Jn. 19:35; 21:24  the author
Jn. 21:20; 19:26  Beloved
Jn. 13:25               physical touch
Gal. 2:9                  a pillar
Mk. 3:17               natural energy
Mk. 9:38               intolerance
Lk. 9:54                 vindictiveness
Mk. 10:35-37       ambition
Jn. 13:33 /             eagerness to learn
1 Jn. 2:
1 Jn. 4:7-21           love

TRAITS IN THE SPIRIT / FLESH                                                                                                          

  1. Attentiveness                          Unconcern
  2. Sensitive                                  Callous
  3. Fair                                          Partial
  4. Compassion                             Indifference
  5. Gentle                                     Harsh
  6. Submissive                              Rude
  7. Meekness                                Anger

Instructions for the Mercy-Giver

1.  Love for others may require toughness.

2.  A need does not equal a call.  You can’t help


3.  Use caution about your motives and desires.

4.  Develop a tough skin, but keep the tender heart.  Beware of being overly sensitive and offended     when people don’t make you feel as good as you wish they would!

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