Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hope for Elon Musk and Other ‘Cultural Christians’


At least part of this secular buyer’s remorse is the rise of “woke” ideology, which bodes ill for a post-Christian society. Sometime in the late 2010s, the so-called “new atheism,” a movement that purported to be all about reason and science, was swallowed up by progressive identity politics. Steadily, science and reason were replaced by moralizing witch-hunts, to the point that atheists like Dawkins now find themselves pushing back against pseudoscience on sex and gender. 

Also, there is a growing realization, Holland’s books are a good example, that Western ideas of human rights, political equality, and science and art are products of Christian theology. They do not occur in most civilizations, and there is no reason to expect that they will endure in the West if Christianity fades.  

It’s good that Musk, Peterson, Dawkins, Holland, and others are recognizing the debt owed to the religion of Jesus. Better to live alongside unbelievers who praise the faith than those who call it a “dangerous delusion.” However, we ought not delude ourselves. Christian influence in the modern world is the result of a lot of people who, for hundreds of years, really believed in Jesus. 

Read the entire article by Stonestreet and Morris here at Breakpoint.

Picture used courtesy of Pixabay

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