Monday, May 9, 2016

What Do Social Conservatives Do Now?

Bryan Fischer offers an excellent commentary for social conservatives like myself.  After Donald Trump seemingly secured the Republican nomination last week, I have been grieved, perplexed, and frustrated.  Fischer offers great perspective and challenges us to not feel sorry for ourselves.  There is work to do.

"For social conservatives, Senator Ted Cruz was the ideal candidate. He was an unapologetic convictional conservative who had demonstrated his commitment to fight for our shared values against all comers. But he’s out of the race. What happens now? 

The GOP establishment will find a way to rally behind Trump immediately. Expect the rapprochement to be complete by this weekend. Why? Because despite all their fulminations, they will quickly come to see that Donald is one of them. He has the same love for big government that they do and the same distaste for social issues. And they have fiefdoms to protect and will join forces with Trump in the hopes that he will be their protector. 

Here are the choices facing social conservatives."

Read the entire article, What Do Social Conservatives Do Now?, here by Bryan Fischer.

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