need for purity never stops. As a boy I memorized the Royal Ambassador
Pledge, which includes the following line: To
keep myself clean and healthy in mind and body.
Today our culture throws unwholesome and unclean smut at us
habitually. With the advent of the
internet and the explosion of the online pornography business, the availability
of temptations abound for men like never before.
Years ago I heard a forty-something
Christian say that a college student asked him ‘Once you reach age forty and
you are happily married, does the temptation to lust stop?’
The older man replied, ‘Son, I did not
know what the temptation to lust was until I was forty.”
Sadly, many men who started out well
commit habitual sexual sins in their forties and fifties. In the Bible, King David’s affair with
Bathsheba occurred when he was about fifty years old. As men, we can never get lazy on personal
purity. Every day we can offer our
bodies, including our eyes and ears, to the Lord to be used as instruments of
righteousness leading to holiness (Romans 6:19). Remember the wife of your youth: may her
breasts satisfy you always and may you be captivated by her love (Proverbs
5:19). Women, that means that he needs
you in order for him to stay satisfied and captivated.
Marriage is worth protecting. God's Word says, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed be kept pure" (Hebrews 13:4).
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