Saturday, September 24, 2022

50 Things for a 50th Birthday


Here's my favorite birthday gift - from my dear wife! . . . 

Somebody is turning 50 tomorrow! Happy birthday to my Rhett Wilson

Here are 50 things I can say about Rhett.


1 loves God

2 loves Tracey

3 loves Hendrix

4 loves Anna-Frances

5 loves Dawson

6 loves his Hendrix family

7 loves his Wilson family

8 loves his Funderburk family

9 loves a good meat ‘n three

10 loves a good mystery

11 likes to dance like Bill Cosby/Cliff Huxtable

12 likes to eat seafood

13 is a great writer

14 is a faithful friend

15 is a giver

16 is an incredible father

17 spends time with those he loves

18 buys great gifts for those he loves

19 loves Dollywood

20 loves Daytona Beach Florida

21 is a good son

22 spends time with the Lord daily

23 prays for his family often

24 is a fantastic teacher

25 likes wrangler jeans 🤷🏼‍♀️

26 likes politics

27 loves our nation and it’s founding fathers

28 is a published author

29 is wise

30 is steady

31 is not easily angered

32 is forgiving

33 takes good care of those he loves

34 gives good advice

35 loves to cheer for UNC, Duke and Kentucky basketball

36 will mail you a book to help you with any issue you’re facing in a quick minute

37 likes old shows like Bonanza, Beverly Hillbillies and Murder She Wrote

38 has written several songs

39 has recorded three albums

40 composed a song and sang it to Tracey at their wedding

41 cried when all three children were born

42 cried with me when two went to college

43 can type faster than anyone I know

44 takes the Lord very seriously

45 enjoys laughing at himself

46 loves to go to the post office- gotta mail somebody a book!

47 collects stamps

48 doesn’t complain

49 doesn’t like animals that much, but we currently have a cat, 2 dogs and 13 puppies

50 is deeply loved and cherished!

Thank you God for Rhett Hendrix Wilson Sr.!


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